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July Plans

I have two short works I must complete this month.  The deadlines are TIGHT and I don’t want either project to slip off my radar.  In many ways, this month will be worse than a NaNo month — because these works need to be polished for submission by July 31st.  No mere slinging of words will suffice.

Despite vacation the last few days, I’ve started the first project.  I think it’ll be shorter than the other so I’m tackling it first.  Working title:  Storms As She Walks.  Targeting about 10K in length but I really don’t know.  I have this thing in my head, not much on paper, so it may grow as I write.  So far I haven’t quite broken 1K yet (but I’m close).  I’m still searching for the voice of this piece, sort of like wandering through a new house in the darkest hour of night, hands outstretched to keep from running into something.

The longer piece hasn’t quite come together in my head yet.  Tentative working title: Gifted.  I know the general external plot, but I don’t have the romance angle worked out yet.  The internal conflicts and how they work against each other haven’t quite firmed enough in my head.  So more doodling on paper.  I don’t have this one plotted either, so I need to try and get some of that detail down before I plow ahead.  I’m guessing it’ll be 20-30K.

To make things even more exciting, I plan to write at least one piece for PBW’s Left Behind and Loving It virtual workshop.  I’ll be giving away some great books that week, so stay tuned!

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