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Pre-NaNoWriMo Prep

At 4:30 this afternoon, I turned over my last signoff for the last component of the project I had to finish for the Evil Day Job before I could start my vacation.  I didn’t have a lunch, didn’t go with That Man to pick up the kids, and crammed straight through, but I made it!  Yeehaw!  I’m free for a four-day weekend!

Now I’m spending the evening prepping madly for NaNoWriMo.  My tools so far:

  • A really old hastily written “synopsis” of the entire series that I sent Deena over a year ago.
  • Two brand new “electric” pencils as the monsters call them.  (Mechanical, yellow, cheapos from the Dollar Store)
  • A brand new rainbow pack of my current favorite pens.  (Pilot Precise V5 in 7 colors)
  • A brand new pack of index cards.  I found some new ones at Wal-Mart that have colored bars on the lined side.  The colors are wrong (pastel), but I like the bar effect.
  • A brand new speckled red/black composition book.  The color choice is obvious for those that know the Blood & Shadows world.  This notebook I intend to use for free-writing if (when) I get stuck, and it’s small and sturdy enough to travel with me.
  • A brand new lined “legal” pad — only the normal 8.5X11 size, white, already hole punched.  It has a red binding.  (Yes, I’m anal about the color.)  It doesn’t have a cover, so it won’t travel with me.  I can’t stand for my pages to get wrinkled.  It’s my “jot down ideas for the next scene” notebook, or for questions, notes, etc. that may be slightly messy.  I love the composition notebook, but it’s not easy for me to write on the left-hand page.  This flips from the top and makes for easy and quick access.
  • A pocket folder with brads.  This item I still need to buy.  I have numerous ones in my stash, but none of them are the right color.  I need red!!!  :roll:

So now while That Man zones in front of the TV, I will jot notes on my cards and see how many scenes I can get….  I’m going to try and stay up until midnight and get at least a couple of hundred words down to say I started.

Let the NaNoWriMo mania begin!

4 thoughts on “Pre-NaNoWriMo Prep

  1. Good luck! I’ve been working on the outline form that PBW posted a while back. I think I now know enough to get started, which is good since it starts tomorrow. 🙄

  2. Oh, I am so jealous of your red and black comp book!

    I haven’t had a moment to think about my NaNo since I went to my medical editors conference last week, what with all the weird work stuff this week… 🙁 Also, I think my Inner Editor may have scared my characters off, since I always let her run around all nekkid at the conference…. :mrgreen:

    OK, one more Mounds and then I’m going to start poking my outline with something….

  3. With two hours to go, I’m sitting here debating whether to take a nap and risk missing the kickoff moment.

    i get that color thing too. i have a thing about color coding my writing projects.

    Happy NaNoing!

  4. Well, I had a difficult beginning to my NaNo experience. I tried to stay up last night and get my first
    words in at 12:01am, but I got sleepy and decided it would be better just to get a good night’s sleep.

    I only got 347 words. But that’s pretty good considering I didn’t know how to begin the thing. I suspect
    this is going to be difficult for me.

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