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Prepping the Calendar

As May approaches, I’ve been taking a careful look at my schedule.   With a calendar in front of me, I start circling and marking important days.  Mother’s Day.  My birthday (and it’s a significant one this year).  A guest blog spot for Carina.  My beloved sister’s first Samhain release.

Ask yourself questions.

  • Any school duties this month?  e.g. Princess Monster just finished the science fair at her school (lucky it wasn’t next month)
  • Note when the kids get out of school. 
  • Any major projects that might require overtime for the Evil Day Job?  (Not this time)
  • Do I want to take a few days of vacation?  (yes, need to schedule with my boss)
  • Any dinner dates out?
  • Can I pull together a loose menu plan for at least a couple of weeks?
  • Any family events I have to prepare food for?

If I were writing 50K for May, I’d cross off days with big events and adjust my daily quota accordingly.  To be safe, I’d also give myself a few extra floater vacation days just in case something unexpected comes up.  I try really hard to get a little cushion in the first week, writing 2-2.5K each day, because it’s inevitable.  The glow will fade, the drive will waver, and it’ll be really hard to keep going.

Most importantly, SCHEDULE YOUR WRITING TIME.  Decide now when you’re going to write.  Are you going to get up an hour earlier?  Write over lunch?  Write when the monsters are asleep?  Write in 15 minute chunks throughout the day?

Whatever your life, family, and work schedule, make sure you have time in your personal calendar for writing.  Don’t commit to a huge writing month without figuring out HOW and WHEN you’re going to pull it off.

6 thoughts on “Prepping the Calendar

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by joelysue. joelysue said: New post: Prepping the Calendar ( […]

  2. You never cease to amaze me, Sis. I bow to your mad planning skeelz!

  3. Good idea, Joley! I know that for MayNoWriMo I have to schedule in Wiscon as that will take up at least three days all total. A day trip to visit my mother on Mother’s Day. The EDJ and then there’s always the unexpected stuff. I’ll be back to D&E (Dark and Early) that’s for sure. Okay, not so dark with the longer days but definitely early. 🙂

  4. Scheduling the writing is important. I’m planning on writing in the evenings after the kids are in bed. This means less TV in May, but if I can reach my goals, it will be worth it!

  5. Funny this should be your post today…I started yesterday. Pulled out a blank calendar page, wrote in all the Coyote stuff I’m wanting to attend, filled in the couple of holidays, and hubby’s birthday. Today I’ll be adding in the school and blog stuff, rearranging BFF and my chat schedule, then I can figure out the writing stuff. Busy, busy…LOL

  6. It’s true! If you don’t schedule your writing time and keep it as an appointment, it’s so easy to let the tim slip away.

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