Their Vampire Queen Reading Order

Recommended reading order.

Queen Takes Knights 

Queen Takes King 

Queen Takes Queen 

Queen Takes Jaguars (though it’s technically a prequel and happens *before* Knights, it won’t make sense until you read at least Queen Takes Queen)

Queen Takes Rook 

“Queen Takes Alpha” (short story previously in Between the Sheets anthology, timing before the fall of House Skye.) Now available in Queen Takes More.

Queen Takes Checkmate 

“Queen Takes A Late Christmas” (short story previously in Holidays Between the Sheets anthology). Now available in Queen Takes More.

Queen Takes Triune 

Queen Takes Blood, prequels for each of Shara’s Blood before they were called. (Each prequel can also be read in line with the first six books as each Blood arrives.) Sign up for Joely’s newsletter and get it FREE.

Queen Takes Camelot, Queen Takes Darkness. These novellas can be read any time after Queen Takes Checkmate and have some overlap with Queen Takes Triune. 

“Queen Takes Twins” (short story previously in Halloween Between the Sheets. Can be read any time after Checkmate, but takes place at a future Halloween. Timing isn’t really important as long as you’ve read at least Queen Takes Queen/Rook.) Now available in Queen Takes More.

Queen Takes More, contains two bonus short stories “Queen Takes It Out On Me” and “Queen Takes Tentacles” that take place after Queen Takes Triune, as well as the other short stories mentioned above.

“Queen Takes A Life”, a short story in Assassin Society anthology featuring Xin. Best read after Camelot and has ties to Princess Takes Academy.

Queen Takes Sunfires book 1 

Queen Takes Sunfires book 2 

Queen Takes Venom, can be read in any order (standalone) 

Queen Takes Darkness book 2 

Queen Takes Death Prequel: short story that was available in the Bloodlust anthology (will be expanded).

Queen’s Crusade – will go here in the timeline!

FUTURE TIMELINE (skipping years)

Princess Takes Academy, contains a prequel, “Princess Takes Unicorns” and then skips ahead 15 years or so to future events.

Princess Takes A Friend, short story that was available in the Stacks anthology.