In the beginning, before I called myself a writer, I would set a story in my head before I fell asleep at night. I’d lie awake, watching it play out as long as I could, until I fell asleep. Sometimes, I’d continue to dream the story, and if I was especially lucky, I’d even remember it the next morning. So then when I went to bed that night, I’d start the reel there and see where else the story would go.
Some stories I dreamed for a long time (The Shanhasson series). Some I’ve started to write down, but never really saw through to the end. Sometimes I had a powerful dream that I remembered…but never chose to re-watch in my head or write down. Some of them are maybe closer to nightmare than dream. Or I just couldn’t accept or understand what needed to be done.
Last night, the kids and I stayed up late watching Gravity. I went to bed and an old story dream popped into my head. No, it had nothing to do with space or SF in any way. I really don’t know why this dream came back, but it did. It came back with a vengeance. And I couldn’t ignore it.
5,700 words later….
Yeah. I wish every story was like this, especially the two I’ve been working on all month, but it is what it is. I don’t know if I’ll finish this story. It might be something just for me.
At least until I dream some more.