Since I shared my Q1 board last time, I thought I’d show my continued effort to get more organized and stay on top of my many TODOs.
I don’t have every task on the board yet, and I want to break larger tasks down better. e.g. “On Death’s Wings” could be broken down into 5K increments or some other easily identified task so I have the satisfaction of moving things over to the next column. I also only put up my newsletter and takeover tasks for April. My board isn’t big enough to keep the entire quarter before me.
The colors aren’t quite meaningful yet. I am trying to group certain things together better – but messed up a couple. Going forward, I’d like to keep general admin stuff one color, takeovers another, and true writing tasks. But I tend to just grab the first Sticky note I can find, rather than putting thought into which category the task is really in.