Well, taking a sick day Thursday and generally feeling not so great really put a kink in my goals for last week. I even got up fairly early Sat. (thanks to basketball and a math quiz bowl for Princess Monster) and wrote a while on a brand new scene for NSR, but it’s just not flowing. I don’t have it clear in my mind, and so I’m “searching” for the right words.
Last week’s goals:
- Submit the short story to the antho, which requires a query and a “new” bio because I think I’ll be submitting this under a different pen name. DONE. Sent out the first query of 2009 last night.
- Revise another 10K of NSR. SHORT. Only grew the story by 7,711 words, including the new incomplete scene I’m struggling with.
- FInalize characters for the SFR. Specifically, name the hero and figure out his goals and background. How is he in opposition to the heroine’s goal? DONE. Figured out the hero’s goal and he’s totally playing the heroine at the beginning. I even moved on to plotting, but ran into some other issues.
Goals for this week:
- Character interview at Ginger Simpson’s blog for “Bring a Character to Blog Week” starting today. My post (the interview with Ruin, The Rock) is set to post Tuesday morning.
- Write up some kind of intriguing post for the first Drollerie Press blog tour on 1/31/2009.
- Grow NSR by 13K to make up for shortfall last week.
- Plot 7Crows to position myself for a novella month in February.