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A Live Interview with Molly Burkhart

Okay, folks, I’m typing this interview live.  Molly’s sitting here at the table with me (she just said her answer was “blue” even though I haven’t asked her anything yet).  So let’s see how far I can get without dying of laughter.

I already blogged about the background idea for My Gigolo.  What’s your favorite element in the story?  (I think she’s going to say the pirate mini-golf course, so let’s see if I’m right.)

Molly:  if I ever won the powerball jackpot, I am building that mini golf course!

(Okay, she actually said the sister dynamic until I said, dang, what about the mini golf?!)

Do you cast your characters?

Molly:  not at first.  They’re firm in my mind just as they are, and I normally can’t find anyone that looks like that.

If you could have any actor play Jack, who would you choose?

Molly:  Goran Visjnic  (she had to spell it for me.)

How about Gabe?

Molly:  Annie from the original Halloween movie.

Do you plot?

Molly:  Bwahahahahaha.  I do in a way — it’s all in my head.  I don’t use notecards.  I love those “happy accidents” as Bob Ross always said.

Do you have a sequel in mind?  Or a related story?

Molly:  I’d be open to it, either for his friend Brad or Regina, the secretary at the old escort service.  But I don’t have anything planned.

So what’s next on your plate, then?

Molly:  Well…..I was going to do an urban fantasy for MayNoWriMo, but my Samhain editor is very interested in a steampunk with fantasy elements that’s about 1/4 done.

Wheeee, I can’t wait!  I know exactly what story she’s talking about and it will be so. cool.

A serious question:  where you ever tempted to quit writing, either this story or the whole shebang?

Molly:  never the whole shebang but I’ve tempted several times not to write with the goal of publication.  I have to write for my own pleasure and my own sanity, but there are times I wonder why I ever wanted to be published in the first place.  Then days like today remind me! 

Who do you want to be compared to as a writer?

Molly:  I absolutely adore Stephen King, but I don’t want to BE Stephen King.  I’d like to be as well read!  I’ve always kind of wanted to be a Renaissance Man, a jack of all trades but a master of none.  I like to genre hop, even though that’s no longer in fashion.

So if you’re not going to write in a single genre, what’s the one thing we can always find in a Molly Burkhart book?

Molly:  Zombies!  There will always be some mention or joke about zombies.  And someday, I’m going to write a zombie apocalypse!  It’s inevitable….just like The Zombie Apocalypse.

Thank you, my most beloved Sis!  I’m so proud of you! 

Aside:  tonight we’ve talked about everything from chicken soup with homemade noodles (yum) to Craig’s List murders to quails that run backwards to poop.  (My Dad is raising quail, if you’re wondering how the subject arose.) 

My sides hurt from laughing too much!

3 thoughts on “A Live Interview with Molly Burkhart

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by joelysue. joelysue said: New post: A Live Interview with Molly Burkhart ( […]

  2. Ha! I spelled Goran’s last name for you and got it wrong. It’s Visnjic. *facepalm*

    Also, the chicken soup was ungodly too good for words. I’m seriously. I want more right now. *snerk*

    I love you, Sis, and thank you so much for letting me crash there today. *hugs*

  3. “And someday, I’m going to write a zombie apocalypse! It’s inevitable….just like The Zombie Apocalypse.”

    I cracked up. Great interview you guys! :mrgreen:

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