Last weeks’s chat and Cindy’s post with my answer about the original inspiration for Beautiful Death.
The question I asked her next was what movie and characters had inspired TCW? Her response:
Well…I have always loved the movie Master and Commander, and I thought Edward Woodall’s character, William Mowett, was just a lovely, wonderful and much under used person. Since I’ve seen him in a handful of other things, and he’s a very good actor, he puts a lot into his roles, even the smallest parts become full, perfectly realized people. So, in a way, that’s where our William gets his sea faring past…and his first name.
I probably shouldn’t have confessed that!
Ha, I love that she confessed it! If you’re curious to see how I would “cast” Beautiful Death, head on over to Cindy’s blog.
Next week, we’ll continue our chat with my question to her:
How did you come up with the idea of the letters between Tasmin and William? I loved the way the two storylines unfolded!