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Frantic NaNoWriMo Prep

I’m throwing together as much plot, character background, and worldbuilding as possible on all my projects.

The shortest novella is fairly well plotted and I jotted notes all the way to the end.  I suspect I’ll have some research items to clear up after the draft is completed, but I’ll worry about that later.  I’d really like to submit this one by the end of the year, so the writing needs to be good and tight, not crap thrown on the wall.  This one and Vicki will be the main projects I work on during the beginning of the month.

The longer novella is still fairly vague.  I need to sit down and write up backstory — get the hero and heroine clear in my mind.  How did they meet (for space reasons, they need to know each other before the novella starts)?  I need this solid in my mind because I want the book to start out rather sultry and it just doesn’t make sense to me if they aren’t already intrigued by each other long before the story opens.  I have a loose action plot in mind, but the characters and the details that will make it a rich, deep story just aren’t there yet.

The post-apoc requires the most work and detail for many reasons.  The worldbuilding is more complex than the other two added together, and I intend it to be longer too.  I’ve already thrown out one supporting character and changed her to him, which had a huge impact on what the next book might be in that world.  Already the foundation had to shift in my mind.  I don’t have a title yet, which is a nagging problem.  I really like to have titles before I start too deep.  I’m also not sure of the story arc above the heroine’s.  I want to have a good feeling for what might need to happen later after her story is complete — and I have a feeling her story really isn’t the first story at all.  The commander has been speaking louder to me in the last twenty-four hours (not her hero), so I’ll be taking notes on his story at the same time.

I’m using Scrivener for Windows (beta) to plot the post-apoc and so far, it’s working pretty well.  Since I know several people are playing with it, I’ll share some details about how I’m using it so far.  I’d love to hear your ideas!

I created a character folder under Research and started throwing in a text doc for each character, even if I don’t know their names yet, pictures I find inspiring, snippets of backstory and traits.  In the main Draft folder, I created a “Block” folder and broke it down into 4 sub-folders:  Act I, Act II Part 1, Act II Part 2, and Act III.  I put text documents inside Act 1 (where I’m starting to plot) and just named them 001-010 to start.

Then I pulled out my notes and notecards I’ve been working on off and on for a few weeks.  It took me a minute to figure out how to name the text documents neatly in a way that let me get the “title” down, which is a short trigger to help me remember what that scene is supposed to do.  e.g. if I changed the title on the left-hand pane, then it was too longer and cumbersome.  I finally realized I could click on the notecard in the right-hand pane and add the title on the first line.  Now, when I view the corkboard for the Act I folder, I can see my neat little notecards and their titles.  I looove that.  This is my plot at a glance.

I have spare “notecards” left over (e.g. I didn’t use all 10 text docs I started with) but I know I’ll think of new scenes that are needed later when I actually start drafting.  So I’ll just leave them for now.  When I need one, I’ll rename it something like 002b and then figure out how to shuffle it up into the appropriate spot.

I’m not sure how I’ll actually draft yet — whether I’ll trust Scrivener beta not to crash in an inopportune time or if I’ll stick to Word for the actual draft.  We’ll see.  For now, I just want to get all my plot, inspiration, characters, etc. in one neat place and become more familiar with Scrivener.

Aside:  Scrivener has always been an object of lust for me, but as long as I have Windows laptops and try to trade back and forth across devices, it just never worked well for me.  I need something portable.  This new release is supposed to be portable between Mac and Windows.  I really hope so!  Then I won’t hesitate about investing in a Mac for my next writing computer (even though I have a Win netbook, etc.)

Are you ready for NaNoWriMo?  Any last minute advice you want to share?

P.S. You can still win the beautiful Pride & Prejudice handbag.  I received it in the mail and it’s sooo pretty!  The best gifts are the ones you’d rather keep for yourself!

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NaNoWriMo is Coming

And I’m not ready!

What’s left of my sanity insists that I should probably skip this year, but I want to participate so bad.  I love the challenge, the thrill.  I can almost hear the frantic thundering of keyboards all over the world when the clock strikes midnight on Halloween.  It would kill me to miss it…and it might kill me to participate.

As the lack of blog posts shows, my writing mojo has been on vacation for awhile.  Part of it is wearing the many other hats of a writer with releases coming out.  Victor is out and about wielding that wicked crop and I can’t help but worry about how he’s doing.  How people are receiving him.  He’s meaner and harder than Conn, which could work against him.  Who knows.

Meanwhile, I’m still battling Vicki, their youngest sister.  You’d think that the baby of the family would be a piece of cake to pull off, but she’s harder than her brothers put together.  I was talking with my friend Jenna yesterday in my daily check-in with her, and she recommended trying tarot to see what my hold up is.  Am I blocking myself?  Why can’t I finish Vicki’s book, which I’ve been working on off and on all year?

I got several telling cards:  the hermit, Death, 9 and 3 of Swords.  Ugh.  Take a look at some of those and tell me this book isn’t killing me?!?  Yet then I turned the Wheel of Fortune, too, and the Ace of Cups.  My cup overflows.  What goes down will always come back up.  The wheel of time turns…

Basically, what I came awaywith from the exercise is that I’m in a transition period.  Old habits and patterns are dying.  I’m growing in new ways that aren’t always comfortable.  Vicki is entirely character and relationship driven.  There is no plot, not really.  I had a suspense subplot I was going to work in, but the story doesn’t need it.  It would just take away from the constant emotional battle between three people trying to find their way to a compromise that will make everyone happy.  Every day is a battle:  emotion, need, denial, love, fear.  No wonder I’m exhausted.

But NaNoWriMo doesn’t pause for emotional trauma.  It’s not a month I can spend weeks trying to get through an especially emotional sex scene.  So I’m probably going to do the multiple project attack.  I have two novellas (20K, 30K) and a post-apocalyptic (targeting around 60K for first draft) in the hopper too, with various amounts of worldbuilding and plotting done.  I’m spending this week to get as much plotting completed on any and all projects while I chip away at Vicki.

Surely between 4 projects I can find 50K.

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Victor is Coming Tomorrow

*throws confetti*

Tomorrow is Victor’s day!  I’ve got several interviews and reviews that I’ll link to tomorrow.  I haven’t settled my mind on the right promo item (whether charm or necklace yet), so that’ll come in the next week or two.  I’ll plan to give away a copy of HMSG tomorrow here on the blog to celebrate.

We had a full weekend that I haven’t even had the chance to tweet or blog about, including a bonfire at my Dad’s Friday night.  The kids spent the weekend riding Papa’s horses, while we cleaned the garage and went through some storage items.  Fun huh?  * insert sarcasm*  I didn’t even get a bottle of wine out of the deal.

Meanwhile, I’m still working on Vicki *dies* and I’m beta reading for a friend.  Oct feels like it’s already slipping through my fingers.

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Dark & Early

I’m ever so slowly getting back in the groove of Dark & Early writing.  It’s hard, don’t get me wrong, and it never gets easier.  But the only sure way to guarantee I can get at least 500-1000 words a day is to get them BEFORE anyone else is up and demanding my time.

There are a few key things I have to remind myself each and every day to make that precious hour productive.

1. Roll out of bed WITH the alarm, instead of turning it off and staying in bed “just a few more minutes.”  Because pretty soon I’ll have convinced myself that I’m too tired to get up and I’ll let my backup alarm (when everyone else needs to get up) take effect.  No thinking.  Just get UP.

2. Set up the coffee pot the night before, so all I have to do is hit the button.  I’ll take the dogs out and come back to fresh hot coffee.  (I don’t use the timer just in case I do go back to sleep — no sense in wasting my good Caribou coffee!)

3. Check in with my accountability partner, Jenna.  Usually she’s up before me, but every once in a while I beat her to the punch.  We e-mail each other every day.  “I’m up and I’m going to work on Vicki today.”  Or “Man, it sucks, I got a rejection yesterday, but I’m going to write anyway.”  “Or damn, I overslept!  Sorry!”  Those suck but happen.  Knowing that she’s waiting for my morning e-mail definitely encourages me to get up when that alarm goes off the first time and not the “normal” alarm.

4. Other than e-mailing my friend, no other e-mail, Google Reader, or Lord forbid, Twitter.  It’s way too easy to get sucked in.  There’s absolutely nothing worse than sacrificing an hour of precious sleep, only to realize you’ve wasted it online instead of writing.

Why all this push?  A couple of reasons.  I’m in the final third of Vicki.  Maybe the final fourth (first draft).  I have momentum and I’m not going to let her stall on me again, no matter how tough and emotional these scenes get.  Finish. The. Damned. Book.

NaNoWriMo is just around the corner.  I need Vicki done so I can start the next project, and I still need to decide which one, finish plotting, etc.  Getting up D&E is the only way I’ll be able to win NaNoWriMo unless I take all my remaining vacation.  Christmas?  Who needs days off at the holidays when I’m behind on word count?

After a week or two, I’m hoping the routine will be solidified and I can double up on projects.  I’ll get new words in the morning, and worldbuild/plot at night.  In a perfect world, I’ll finish an erotic novella in October and work on the post-apoc in November, but I have a feeling I might be doing both in Nov.  Or something else entirely, since I don’t have either of them fully plotted! 

(A side effect of this productivity:  my blogging mojo is slowly coming back too!)

Do you have any routines that help you set aside dedicated writing time?

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Friday Snippet: Mama Connagher

I’m going to finish Vicki if she kills me! 

I’m finally, almost, at LAST!!  Ready to break 40K.  I’ve been stuck in the 30Ks for months.  Ugh.  But this morning Dark & Early, I finally hit the emotional candy bar scene that I’d been dreading and looking forward to.  Mama and Vicki on the same page.  Here’s just a tiny snippet, first draft only.

“Vicki.”  Mama smiled and held out her arms.  Her face felt frozen and brittle, but Vicki hugged her and gave her a dutiful peck on the cheek.  “How’s my girl?”

“Fine, Mama.”  She knew Mama wanted an introduction or at least an excuse about what was going on, but Vicki refused to give an inch.  Make her ask.  That keeps the advantage with me.

It worked at least a little, because Mama’s jaws tightened and her eyes narrowed.  She turned to Elias and held out her hand.  “Lt. Reyes.”


“I thought you were out of the picture.”

Elias’s neck turned red, which was almost enough to make Vicki laugh out loud and relax.  Almost, but not quite, because she was more worried about the other man standing on her right. 

“I’m Jesse Inglemarre, ma’am.”

Mama took his hand, squeezing hard, evidently, because Vicki noted the way his face tensed a moment before melting away.  His shoulders relaxed, easing into the fierce grip like he did when she touched him, and she was suddenly so pissed, so mindless with jealousy and fury, that she couldn’t breathe.  Couldn’t move.  She wanted to strike out with violence, even against her mother.

“Ah,” Mama breathed out and released him.  “So the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree after all.  When you picked Reyes, I honestly started to wonder.  I thought maybe I’d been wrong.”

“You’re never wrong, Mama.”  Vicki didn’t even try to keep the bitterness out of her voice.  At least that was better than violence.  “I learned that a long time ago.  Just another way I’ve let you down, right?”

“Is that what you think?”

Unperturbed by Mama’s unusually quiet voice, Vicki wrapped her arm around Jesse’s waist and pulled him against her.  With Elias on her other side, she felt shielded from the fiery darts Mama would lob at her.  “I know it.  First I quit my job at the firm after years of grad school and grueling overtime to make partner on a lark—to start my own clothing line.  Now I’m dating two men at the same time.  You’ve despaired of me ever getting married and settling down.”

“Quitting that law firm was the best thing you’ve ever done.”

Braced for an I-told-you-so tirade, it took Vicki several moments to realize that was actually a compliment.  Stunned, she could only stare at Mama, searching those dark eyes so like her own for the truth.  What she saw horrified her.

A tear streaked down her mother’s face.  “So that could only be your self-doubt, honey, if you think I’m disappointed in you.  Same with Reyes.  I knew you two were fire and oil, too explosive together.  You’d kill each other before you’d ever work out enough of a truce for marriage, but that’s exactly what you wanted.  In a way, you were punishing me by picking an upstanding man I had to like but you never intended marriage.  Don’t look at me like that, Beulah Virginia.”

Gaping, Vicki flinched at both the use of her real name and the sharper tone of voice, even while Mama dashed her tears away impatiently.

“Don’t stand there so innocently shocked.  I didn’t raise a wallflower or a doormat.  If you’d really wanted Reyes, then you would have demanded he marry you or get the hell out.  Forget this polite ‘dating’ and sometimes sleeping together crap.  Either you love him or you don’t.  Make up your damned mind and quit punishing me.”

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Possible Victor prizes

Taking the idea of personalized charm for necklaces or bracelets, I wandered over to Etsy and found these wax seal silver stamps on a charm bracelet.   Is that something any of you would like to win from Victor?  Edited to add:  I also like this pendant.

I’m also thinking about ordering ink pens instead of bookmarks this time.  According to some survey I read a while ago, readers go to conferences and get tons of bookmarks, and they really prefer ink pens, mirrors, etc.   Useable things.  If any of you have ordered promo pens and can recommend a good company, please pass along your recs.

Otherwise, 10/5 is not far away.  *gnaws fingers to nubs*

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Planning Promo

With Victor unleashed on unsuspecting readers next month, I’ve been thinking about promotion efforts.  To be honest, I’m a bit burned out on blog tours — I can’t even keep MY blog up to date and interesting right now.  I love giving away stuff, so if anyone’s got brilliant ideas you’d like to see, let me know.  I do plan to give several copies of HURT ME SO GOOD away, but what else do you want to see? 

Exclusive smokin’ hot excerpts?  I can do that. 

A few behind the scene sort of posts?  I can do that too.  I just don’t want to get into wide spread “today I’m here and tomorrow I’m over there, and next week I’m here and there and everywhere.”

Gift certificates haven’t really seemed that exciting as giveaways.  I’d love to giveaway an e-reader but I don’t know if I can swing it, especially since I don’t have a dedicated reader other than my iPhone.  Which I really probably need to stop reading on — I keep getting eye strain headaches.  Probably thanks to Stacia Kane because I read the Downside Ghosts trilogy in a matter of days all on my phone.

If you have any brilliant exciting things you’d like a chance to win, let me know.  Otherwise, I’ll keep brainstorming.

I still owe an interview to Kait on The Bloodgate Guardian.  See how behind I am?  Sigh.

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Victor ARCs Available!

Any reviewers interested in an early copy of HURT ME SO GOOD, please drop me a note or comment here and I’ll get you a pdf (my apologies, that’s the only format I have).  Amazon, B&N, GoodReads reviews and ratings count as “reviews” and are greatly appreciated.   Thank you in advance!!

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On the Shelf

Ever since The Rose of Shanhasson and Dear Sir, I’m Yours have been released in print, I always check the shelf at any bookstore, just to see if I could find my books.  Since they’re both from small presses, I hadn’t had any luck all these months. 

Oh, I could have called and ordered a copy — but that wasn’t the same.  I wanted to just find one on the shelf like any other author’s book.

Tonight we were killing time before picking up Middle Monster from a birthday party, and That Man dropped me off at our Barnes & Noble.  I didn’t have a particular book in mind — I just wanted to look and soak in the atmosphere.  On a whim, I checked the Bs in Romance, and there, beside Monica Burns, I found one precious copy of Dear Sir on the shelf.

I pulled out my iPhone and started taking pictures of it.  I’m sure people thought I was insane.  Then I went and found the Info Desk to ask if I could sign it.  She said absolutely, so I went back and got it, signed it, and she put an autographed sticker on it.

I don’t think my feet touched the ground on the way out.

I might have cried.  Just a little.

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Obsessions…And a Sneak Peek

My new favorite shows are Hoarders, Animal Hoarding, and Obsessed on A&E.  I find it so interesting — watching them is almost a compulsion for me.  I really want to write an OCD character some day, so I’m soaking in all these ideas.

Speaking of compulsions and ideas, I caught the middle of Curse of the Golden Flower a couple of weeks ago, and I ended up staying up way past my bedtime to watch it.  I loved it so much that I taped the next showing, and I’ve watched it at least four times.  It’s one of those movies that gives me chills when I watch it, like Phantom of the Opera and Gone with the Wind.  I absolutely adore Yun-Fat Chow as the Emperor.  It’s a rather twisted movie, but I still can’t. stop. watching. 

And yes, as always with the really good, powerful movies, I’ve been inspired with a new idea.  Today I finished up a short story that I plan to submit later this month.  In the meantime, here’s a little snippet of Curse of the Golden Eyes, an erotic BDSM twist on Tang Dynasty China.

Warning:  sexual content, BDSM, language

He struck me again and the flexible tip managed to wrap around my back and cut into the underside of my breast.  My breath hissed out.  That mark might have broken the skin.

“You disappoint me, Jin.”

Tears filled my eyes and I arched my back to offer more of my body for his blows.  “Please correct this consort, Your Majesty!”

“I desire your screams.”  He whispered but the violent intent darkened his voice like a naked steel blade.  “I desire you to plead for me to stop.  But I shall not stop, not even when you beg and weep.  I’m going to beat you bloody, until your throat is raw from screaming.  And then, lovely one, I’m going to f*ck you until you must be carried back to your rooms.”

His next blow crashed against my buttocks and I let the howl of pain escape my mouth.  I did not care how many servants and eunuchs crowded outside his chambers, listening and giggling with speculation.  I did not care that rumors would spread like wildfire through the palace.  I did not even care that I would be ostracized even more than the unwanted wife of the Crown Prince, for no one would dare insult me to my face for fear I would tell the Emperor every secret intrigue and malicious slight while beneath his lash. 

Red-hot pokers jabbed into my skin without mercy, and again, I did not care.  I welcomed the pain.  A beating always hurt, but every blow gave me another surge of lust, and yes, power.  My power.  I now shared this secret with the Son of Heaven.  I had given him something none of his other women had ever offered.  He might rule this land with an iron fist, but with each blow, he gave me the power to bring him to his knees.

Alrightie, back to Vicki and Phantom!  I’ve knocked off about 7K of my 30K goal this month.  Not as much as I’d like to have by now, but I’ll take it.