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MayNoWriMo Day 2, 3

I didn’t get as much done yesterday as I’d hoped, but it was a full, busy day with family stuff and my first panel for Coyote Con.  I had a great time talking SFR with Heather Massey (read the transcript here) and I can’t *wait* for the Steampunk panel next weekend (May 8th, 11 PM EST).

I continued working with Liquid Story Binder, expanding my character backgrounds.  I’ve been using Writer’s Guide to Character Traits and The Complete Writer’s Guide to Heroes & Heroines to get some nitty gritty details for Quinn and Tara.  I’m layering archetypes for each, and expanding the shell of characterization that I had before.  Quinn is going to have a darker rebel side that we didn’t really see in the brief scenes I originally sketched out, and Tara is going way deeper and beyond what I had originally expected.  She’s a bit of a lost soul (yes, I know that’s a male archetype, but it really fits for her), and the beginning of her book is going to throw her for a huge loop.

I have one background element I still need to figure out for Quinn:  a supernatural event with his adopted brother that sets the stage for why he believes in the demon so quickly.  Then I think I’ll be ready to make the first pass through the Emotional Toolbox for both characters.

I managed Dark & Early this morning, the first time in months.  I don’t know how long I’ll be able to sustain it.  My allergies are horrendous this year and I just don’t seem to have any energy to spare for getting up early.  But it helps to know that Jenna is up and expecting me to check in!