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Giveaway: Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione

When I mentioned to Larissa on Twitter that I was planning to give away two copies of Eternal Rider this week, she sent me some awesome swag including signed bookplates! 

I can’t wait to dig into this spin-off series – I totally gobbled the Demonica books!

If you’d like to win a signed (via bookplate) copy of Eternal Rider with official Larissa Ione bookmarks, simply comment on this post and tell me your favorite character that Larissa created.  (Or throw your name in the hat)  I’ll keep this giveaway open through March 31st and announce the winners on April 1st here on the blog.  This contest is open to anyone on the planet, even if you’ve won something from me before.

P.S. Don’t forget that the steampunk heart necklace giveaway is still open!

25 thoughts on “Giveaway: Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione

  1. I love the Demonica series! Picking one is pretty tough. I think my favorite is Wraith!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Pick? Just one? 😯 Are you sure I can’t have ’em all? 😆

  3. I havent read her books yet. But I have read some awesome things about them. So cant pick one yet. Hopefully soon!

  4. I love them all…but Sin or Lore are my favs!!!! 😉

    Thanks for the giveaway Joely!!!


  5. Wraith although E is also very yummy

  6. I haven’t read a Larissa Ione book yet. I keep meaning to, everyone is always telling me how amazing they are. Winning a copy would be a great way to be introduced to her *hint hint*;-)

  7. Ohh…I’d love to enter. I totally forgot to order this last week. (#epicshoppingfail)

  8. If I can only pick one, I’d have to go with Sin.

  9. I love Wraith aka Josh. The fact that he names his kid Stewie after Family Guy and the whole Smurf conversation with Tayla and E really should endear him to anyone. Also, he is a total manwhore even for a Seminus demon. 😈

  10. Wraith’s the bestest of the best of the best…. 😆

  11. I have loved or hated all of the characters Larissa Ione has created for one reason or another (even the stalwart presence of UG itself), but Eidolon has to be my favorite. He works tirelessly to help the demon community and will do anything to protect and guide his family. His brothers mean everything to him which is clearly shown when he willingly took the punishment from the vampire council in order to spare Wraith. And his patience and love saved Thalia from a truly lonely and desolate existence. E puts others above himself in every situation, proving that humanity is much more then just what species you are born into.

  12. Oooh, congrats for the release of Eternal Rider, Larissa! :mrgreen:
    I’m a HUGE fans of Demonica, and while all Seminus Brothers are sexy and hot, I always have a crush for Eidolon. Yes I will choose Doc E, if I must pick one 😈

    Thanks for the giveaway, Joely!


  13. Wow, I love so many of the Demonica characters, but I have to say that Eidolon has my heart! He and Tayla are my favorite kick-ass couple. And, it was their story in Pleasure Unbound that completely sucked me into the series.

    I’m so excited to start this new series; love Larissa’s works! Thanks for the giveaway!


  14. this is an awesome giveaway…thanks…hmm i think Wraith is my favourite.i do love that brother…but Kynan has always had a little special place in my heart…having him look like Jensen Ackles in my mind sure helps too 😉

  15. My favorite character that Larissa created is Wraith. I have loved him from the very start. It’s kind of fun to hear that Larissa enjoys writing him too 😉

  16. Wraith does it for me. I love the way he goes afterTayla when he’s in the mood!

  17. I haven’t read any of her books yet but do have them sitting in the TBR pile.
    Thanks for the chance to win this.Please count me in.

  18. I haven’t read any of Larissa Ione’s books yet, but I’d love to try! 😉

  19. It’s too hard to pick just one….they change with each book! 👿 E would have to rate the highest since he handles most of the family stuff!!
    I can’t wait to read Eternal Rider!!!


  20. Do I really have to pick one? That is just to tough so I can’t just puck one lol.

  21. Can’t pick one maybe this time this will post lol

  22. I have not yet read one of her books, but I can’t help but want to read this one because of all the fabulous things everyone is saying about it!

  23. Hmmm, all the brothers are hawt! But Shade really rings my bell the most.

  24. My favorite character is Sin and Con. Throughtout the series, Wraith was my favorite till the last two books and then Sin and Con became my favorite characters as well as my favorite couple.Love this series and can’t wait t start the new book.

  25. Thank you to everyone who entered! I can’t wait to dig into Eternal Rider!

    The winners are:

    Holly Wright

    Kelli Houptley

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