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Happy Book Birthday to Vicki!

I told @s_muha on Twitter the other day that it seemed like *forever* since I’d finished Vicki.  But it’s finally her day – Yours to Take releases today!

Vicki’s the youngest Connagher yet she’s just as headstrong as her brothers, Conn and Victor.  I hope you enjoy her story as she finally faces her Domme side.

To celebrate, I’ll be giving away a $100 gift certificate to any online book retailer(s) of the winner’s choice.  More details to come in a separate post.

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8 thoughts on “Happy Book Birthday to Vicki!

  1. :throws confetti:

    Happy Release Day!

  2. Happy Release Day! Congrats! 😀

  3. Congratulations!! I’m about 64% finished, and loving it!! Had a difficult time explaining to my boss why I was late for work this morning, though. Couldn’t stop reading.

    1. Aw, Robin, thank you! Hope you enjoyed the last part too and your boss wasn’t too upset!

  4. Eeeee! Happy release day! Should we bring champagne or wine to Mom’s this weekend??

    1. Why just one? This is Vicki and Mother’s Day 😀

      1. Heh, you bring your Dancing Bull, and I’ll see if I can’t find a decent champagne!

  5. Hugs, thank you so much, everyone!

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