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Never Let You Down Giveaway

NeverLetYouDown120To celebrate Virginia’s book, I’m offering winner’s choice:

  • Signed print copies of all four Connagher books to date, mailed anywhere on the planet.
  • OR digital copies of all four books, any format, and a $35 gift certificate to any online book retailer.

You have two opportunities to win!  Enter via Rafflecopter below, or join my newsletter for a second prize package (same details) to be drawn from the list of subscribers on Jan 16th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

14 thoughts on “Never Let You Down Giveaway

  1. I have 2 resolutions:
    1. read 200 books
    2. be healthy!

  2. I haven’t decided on my exact new years resolutions but I know one will be to lose weight (sadly I’ve gained ten pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas) and to write more. But I’m sure I’ll come up with a few more 🙂

  3. I have stal…followed Joely Sue through several publishers and can’t get enough of her writing. Love the Connaghers. As for resolutions, I almost never keep them when I make things too difficult (lose weight, cut out Dr. Pepper and chocolate, stuff like that) so my resolution is to accept that which I can’t change, and just let things go rather than let them fester and upset me.

  4. To stress less, conquer my fears, and write more. 😀

  5. I don’t really do resolutions, but I do try everyday to be thankful, positive, and happy. aka Becky

  6. On resolutions, I am not really planing on any.

  7. I quit making resolutions cause I never keep them. Thanks for the giveaway. And congrats on your book!

  8. don’t really make them

  9. I want to learn to stop obsessing over little stuff…

  10. I’m not really big on making resolutions, but I do make an effort to do better, always.

  11. I have 3 resolutions –

    A. Write reviews for all of the books I read
    2. Exceed my Goodreads Challenge goal
    3. Drink more water and give up soda (this will be really hard!)

  12. I no longer make New Year resolutions!! I could never keep them longer than a month. lol

  13. My resolutions are to be at least slightly healthier and to read more!

  14. Thank you, everyone, for participating! Rafflecopter has kicked out the winner and I emailed her.

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