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Not Much To Say

Originally published at Joely Sue Burkhart. You can comment here or there.

Shocking I know. We’ve all been slightly under the weather. I wouldn’t say I’ve been sick exactly, but I’ve only had 3 cups of coffee today instead of 3 gallons as usual. Okay, maybe not gallons, but my favorite Caribou hasn’t been tasting that great.

I’ve been trying to get back to the dark and early schedule, and while I did make it several days…I’ve been too out of it to get much done. Last night and tonight I just let myself read. I finished both BloodAngel and Lord of Bones by Justine Musk. Pretty good reads, athough I did have a few quibbles. I would definitely read another set in this world if there’s one in the works (couldn’t tell from her website, and Uninvited looks like a different series).

To make matters worse about feeling out of it, I have a work trip coming up. I leave very, very early Sunday morning for a few days in Birmingham. I think it’ll be an interesting trip, but I’ve only rarely ever gone there without my dear friend Wanda. What will I do without a nice long trip to Barnes & Noble for reading material on the flight back? (It’s sort of a joke–no matter how many books I bring, I always think I need to buy another book or two to tie me over.) I’ll be packing very, very light–hoping to carry on one small bag and laptop only–so I don’t know how many books I’ll be able to squirrel away.

I can’t share a Friday Snippet this week. I have a section I could share from my background work on the Mayan story this week, but it gives away some key elements of my worldbuilding. Maybe next week I’ll have a less crucial section I could share. Wanda has given me some invaluable first-hand information about swimming in a cenote that I can’t wait to use.

Have you read a really good book lately? Anything going on in your neck of the woods?

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