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Realizations and an Update

My apologies if you placed an order recently. I’ve been on deadline to finish a story for the Dark Needs anthology. I finished that up and so will get orders out ASAP. (I always throw in a little extra if I’ve kept you waiting.)

I was going through some old files from the divorce and then decided to update it with everything I’ve ever written. It dawned on me that September of this year will be my twenty-year anniversary since I got serious about writing. TWENTY. That’s crazy.

In that time, I’ve written 91 stories (including short stories). Even without counting the Queen Takes More stories separately since they’re published together.

Correction: 92 stories including “Nighttime Feeds” that I just finished!

That means in the next year or so, I’ll hit another major milestone. 100 stories written.

Sounds like a couple of really good excuses to have a party.

4 thoughts on “Realizations and an Update

  1. So glad you decided to start writing. I know you will hit the 100 milestone in no time. Congratulations and don’t stop your stories are great!

  2. Hey, I just read Princess takes academy book one it was amazing I was looking through the comments and it said book 2 would be out in 2020 I was wondering if you were going to write a book two it was so good

    1. Hi, Rylie! I do plan to write more Princess Takes Academy. It’s just going a lot slower than I intended after messy divorce. I’m slowly getting some of the backlog cleared out but I am intending to return to Shara’s world this year.

      1. Oh I’m sorry about that
        I was hoping I just missed the next one can’t wait for it to come out have a good day!

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