Here’s my green! The monsters were running around frantically tonight looking for cool and interesting things to wear to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow at school, and that reminded me that I’d planned to do a giveaway here on the blog.
Up for grabs: signed print copy of Dear Sir, I’m Yours, which won’t release until April 1st.
To enter, simply comment on this post (thru midnight Thursday, 3/18 CST) about what you’re reading right now or just throw your name in the hat. Anyone on the planet can enter, even if you’ve won something from me before. I’ll announce the winner Friday when I post the long-awaited Vicki snippet in Victor’s office that I was tormenting you about last week.
Me, I’m reading Shutter Island on my iPhone.
Lux in Shadow by R G alexander . It’s book 2 in the children of the goddess series and so far I’m loving the series
I just finished A Girl’s Guide to Guns and Monsters.
Actually, I’ve been reading over my own stuff right now. I feel a writing jag coming on, but it’s not quite here yet, so to hurry it along, I’m steeping in my own storyworlds, hoping for that “aaaaand… they’re off!” spark to hurry up already.
I’m in the middle of re-reading Nalini Singh’s Slave to Sensation, ’cause it’s awesome.
I’ve tried to read things on my iPhone, but I find my eyes crossing sooner or later. :/
Victor! squee!! I’m reading Hunter’s Need by Shiloh Walker
I’ve been pinched all morning, I’ll have bruises tomorrow! That will help me remember to wear green next year
I’m reading Addicted by Charlotte Featherstone
Yay snippet coming!!! *g*
I am reading 13 Hours right now and loving it! I discovered it while blog hopping
Thanks for a chance to win! Yippy!!!!
Reading Laura Kinsale’s Seize the Fire. Great book. An unusual hero who also adores the plump heroine.
I just started Kelley Armstrong’s The Summoning. Been on a YA kick because of Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series.
I’ve been reading Into His Keeping by Gail Faulkner.
This week I’m going back to Becky Barker’s Undercover Virgin. This will be the third time I’ve returned to this one without finishing it. Its a good story, I just keep getting distracted.
I’m in the middle of Shiloh Walekr’s BROKEN. Been a long time since I’ve read & liked a contemporary romance that didn’t have any fantasy/paranormal/etc in it. But this one’s enjoyable.
And I’m trying to not let myself read too much. Reading gets in the way of writing time, and I’m on a deadline.
I am reading Original Sin by Allison Brennan. Very good so far.
Victor YAY!
I’m reading The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing Erotic Romance by Alison Kent and Through the Veil by Shiloh Walker.
I am reading an ARC of The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott. It is a fiction/non-fiction hybrid sort of dealie. Author took all the research on Louisa May Alcott, mixed it with a summer that there are no notes, no letters, no diary entries for, and postulated that she met someone who served as the later inspiration for Joe and Laurie in Little Women. I’m an Alcott fiend since I first read Little Women at 10, so I was dying to get into this book. Not bad, but so very mild, especially compared to much of what it out there now. I’m reserving judgment till I finish it, as I’m only halfway through.
I just finished reading Black Jack by Lora Leigh and loved it! But I sadly can’t start anything new till my finals are over
Dear Sir, I’m Yours sounds like an awesome read!
Just getting ready to read Joey W. Hill’s “Branded Sanctuary”. It’s the 7th in her Nature of Desire series which is an awesome collection of books. Her “Ice Queen” and “Mirror of My Soul” are very intense, beautifully written books that I recommend to anyone – as long as you can deal with some pretty deep emotional stuff in an erotic romance.
Thank you for entering everyone! My wishlist is growing by leaps and bounds – you guys are reading some great books!