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Review: Her Grace’s Stable

What an incredible review from Naamah at BDSM Book Reviews!  This is one of those that set me beaming for days and there are too many wonderful snippets that make it difficult for me to pick one, so definitely stop over to read the whole thing.

Burkhart has accomplished something extraordinary here: a genuine ménage story, one where everyone loves everyone else, and the reader likes and identifies with everyone equally.

She has also accomplished another feat in Arthur’s character: an alpha male who is not a narcissistic, pushy ass, and who also bottoms and eventually submits, rather than being depicted as unilaterally dominant. It’s something all too rare in erotica; unfortunate, because it’s fucking delicious. I genuinely got lightheaded at a couple of points, and more than once, his unexpected behavior genuinely surprised me – but in a way that was perfect for the plot and only deepened his character. Just perfect.

Thankfully, there is a good deal of rough sex here. Really, really good rough sex. And lots of chewy, tasty anguish. My love of angst had several multiple orgasms, I think, but the book did not leave me in a bad place, making it just about perfect.

Well-done, all around. Very well-done.

Thank you so much, Naamah!

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Happy Birthday, Her Grace’s Stable

HerGracesStable72webLady Blackmyre arrives today along with her bronies Cole and Arthur!

I usually take release day off from the Evil Day Job so I can be neurotic all day.  However, thanks to a big project moving to production at the end of this month and Littlest’s birthday, I decided to take the one day off I could swing tomorrow for her.  That means I have to still work and think even if I’m neurotic!  And that’s probably a good thing that I’m not haunting social media and posting like crazy because yeah, that’s annoying too.

So a huge thank you to everyone who takes Her Grace’s Stable out for a ride!  I’m giving away a free copy over on Facebook.  There’s still time to enter since I won’t be able to do much until tonight after work.  I’m also going to be giving away a custom Haut Totes cosmetic bag later this month once I receive it.

stallion_smallerI’ll leave you with this glorious picture.  This is always how I’ll see Arthur, wild and free and powerful.  No wonder Violet…and Cole…are so attracted to the big brute!

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Reviews: Her Grace’s Stable

Two reviews for Her Grace’s Stable are in!

From Vivian Archer via GoodReads:  4.5 stars

If you’ve read many of my reviews then you know I’ve fallen out of favor with a lot of MF literature, and technically this is MMF, but usually the women in those configurations are a waste of space, too. Burkhart has always been an exception–Love her writing. Her women are intelligent and emotionally balanced–not a twit or basket case in the lot!

I was a little leery of a book that leaned as much to femdom as this one promised just because in so many of them the dommes come off as psychotic bitches–I don’t enjoy abuse masquerading as power exchange. The relationships between the main characters are definitely symbiotic and NOT parasitic.

Recently, I’ve been finding stories that feature puppy or pony play that is not humiliation driven, but rather a celebration and joyful experience. I was thrilled to find that here in HER GRACE’S STABLES. The interactions between the Duchess of Blackmyre (Violet), Cole and Arthur are beautiful. The dynamics are sexy with one gentle pony and one stallion in the mix under the direction of a firm but loving hand. This is the most sensually erotic pony play I’ve read.

The other review is 4 stars from RT Book Reviews and will be in the July issue!  “Character development is excellent, especially that of Arthur, who must re-discover his humanity.”

If you’re interested in reviewing HGS please contact me.  Thank you!

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Review: Her Grace’s Stable

The first review for Her Grace’s Stable is in!

I read the book in one day because I could not put it down. The characters and backstory were fabulous. The sex wasn’t all pony play, either, and the other erotic scenes were more to my liking. I really enjoyed the book, and would happily read more from these characters, should Joely write another story featuring them. The world is fabulous, and there are even a few nods to LADY DOCTOR WYRE (book 1 in the series) near the end of this book.

Thank you, Nicole!