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ARC Team Interest Form

As you’ve seen the last few days, I’m making a big push to clean up some of my older stories, get them available wide, so I can make an even BIGGER push to wrap up Sunfires and Darkness. 

Because Shara is demanding my attention. Soon. 

If you’d like to join the ARC team and are willing to review BOTH older and newer stories, drop your info in my ARC Team Interest Form. I’ll be looking to add some new Blood in the coming months!

Note: please do NOT sign up if you’re only interested in Shara because it’ll be months before I’m ready to share her yet. Inactive members who haven’t been reviewing other books will be removed from the list prior to her return.

2 thoughts on “ARC Team Interest Form

  1. How will we know what Books you want us to read will you send us an email or are we supposed to keep checking your blog? I really want to do this and need to understand how exactly it works. Sorry I have a TBI so sometimes I have trouble with simple instructions. Can you explain to me how the ARC team works. Since I don’t work and have plenty of time on my hands. I figured it would give me something to do read almost all your books so many times you could give me a quote or witty line and I could tell you who said it and what they were referring to.

    1. I’m finishing two books right now so I probably won’t make a decision on the ARC form until early July.

      For the ARC team, I always send out an email to the newsletter group that includes the link for the download. In July (after I get these two books finished), I’ll probably send out an opportunity for backlist reviews on some of these older books that just went wide. It’ll be one email not many so it’s not annoying or overwhelming.

      Hope that helps!

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