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Project Management: Stepping Stones

Hopefully you’ve taken your Dream List and broken it down into your top MUST DO priorities with a few ROCKSTAR goals just in case.  Now the question you should be asking yourself is HOW you can reach your goals.  

I’m reminded of the scene in The Mummy when O’Connell and Benny are yelling at each other across the river after the boat catches on fire.  Did you find yourself on the wrong side of the river?  Right now, the task may seem insurmountable. 

That’s because you’re looking at the river and letting it become an ocean in your mind. 

Instead of setting up a permanent camp of despair on the wrong side of the river, pick your number one priority item on your MUST DO list.  For me, that’s finish the first draft of Victor, the NaNoWriMo book.  Begin to make a list of all the things you need to do to meet that goal.  Anything, no matter how little, that you can do to accomplish the task.

So for Victor, I know I’m into Act III and the Resolution of the story.  That means I have a bunch of threads I need to tie up.

  • I need to tie up the romance between Victor and Shiloh, make sure they’re comforted and secure after the final showdown in the show.
  • I need to show how the trap Victor laid for the spy is revealed and resolved.
  • I need to reward Shiloh with the elixir, the very thing she created the show in order to win.
  • I need a clever, fun, sexy ending.

So I have about 4 scenes, give or take, that need to be written in order to finish my task.  I’m guessing this is less than 5K, and so I should definitely be able to finish by 12/7, which was my goal.

Maybe your goal is revisions.  I have three types of revisions I need to work on this month, and each will require a different set of tasks in order to accomplish them.  Maybe you like to read thru first and make notes as you go, and then tackle the revision.  Maybe you like to read online — or from a hardcopy with sticky notes.  Whatever your process, make a list of all the things that will enable that process and make you successful.

Maybe your goal is worldbuilding or plotting a new story.  (I have a ROCKSTAR goal for this.)  So my stepping stones are going to look something like:

  • Brainstorm and research.  These two often go hand-in-hand for me when beginning a story, until one particular element speaks the most to me.
  • Listen for the character(s) to show up.  Usually about the time I’ve settled on an interesting research item, a character starts blabbing in my ear about how cool all this stuff is.
  • Begin building the character.  (See the Character Clinic, the Emotional Toolbox, etc.)
  • Begin plotting the journey.
  • Write backstory.
  • Create a world bible (if the story needs it).

So pull out your A1 – MUST DO priority and figure out what step to tackle first.  Now you can cross small items off the list and feel like you’re actually paddling your way across the river, instead of stranded on the wrong side.  Don’t tell me you’re waiting for 2010, either – we’ve still got plenty of time to cross a dozen things off the list in December!

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Project Management: Wanna be a Rock Star?

I don’t know about you, but I’m a ridiculous overachiever.  I put way more things on my list than I can possibly do, and then stress myself out needlessly because I can’t get it all done.  Well, duh, of course I can’t get it all done!  Not with a full-time job and three monsters running around sucking out my brain cells.

Yesterday, we wrote up The Dream List of every possibly thing I’d like to get done by 4/30.  (Don’t look back, it’ll give you nightmares.)  Today, I’m going to do something hard, really hard.  It’s going to hurt.  I’m going to whine about it.  But it’s a necessity.  As with any project, we have to be able to define a successful timeline and deadline.  For that deadline to be met, one assumption that we always specify in the scope is that the required RESOURCES will be made available.

As much as I hate to admit it, I do have to sleep occasionally.  I also have to keep the monsters in clothes (you should see our laundry room), cook dinners, and keep my EDJ extremely happy, plus an endless list of household chores.  As much as I’d love to lock myself up in a writing cave until I finished everything on my list, I just can’t do it.

So bring out the scalpels.  Brace for the pain.  And cut that list down.

Take a long, hard look at that endless list of wishful to-dos.  I’m going to concentrate on December only and ask myself:  what MUST I finish by 12/31 in order to be successful?  What can I reasonably, safely, and sanely accomplish and still sleep and function like a normal working human being?

These are going to be my A list priorities, or my MUST DO items.  Now don’t throw away the rest of your list in disgust — we still may be able to accomplish a few extra things too.  Pick a few more things that you just really wish you could do — if time allows.  This is our ROCK STAR list.  If the top priority things are getting crossed off the list, who knows?  We might be able to fit a few more things into our schedule.

So after taking a careful look at my list, I chose the following things to concentrate on in December.  If you can, assign a deadline to each top priority item so you know immediately if you start to fall behind.

DEC MUST DO (deadlines penciled in)

  • Finish the first draft of Victor by 12/7.
  • Polish first 3 chapters of Return to Shanhasson by 12/11.
  • Revise The Horse Master by 12/15.
  • Revise Return to Shanhasson by 12/31.


  • First draft of Victor’s synopsis and query.  Oh, yeah, and a TITLE that’s better than the hero’s name would be good.
  • horror short story (antho deadline is 1/15/2010)
  • First Revision Hell pass for Victor.

And now, to keep myself in touch with projects on the horizon, I’m going to make a list of things to keep in mind.  They don’t have deadlines, exactly, but I can’t forget all about these items or I won’t be successful in January, etc.


  • verbally committed to submitting Victor in January.
  • horror story antho call 1/15/2010
  • SFR series:  read partial, organize notes, prepare to return to drafting in January
  • steampumk antho call 4/30/2010: continue mulling over plot, characters, and world.
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My December Plans or Why I Need Project Management

Since it’s the first of December — OMG can you believe 2009 is almost over?  Nooooo! — I decided to evaluate my goals and make sure I know what the first of 2010 will bring.

And let me just say that I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach looking at my to-do list.  Seriously, how on earth am I going to get all this done?  I have one book on submission, one that’s *this close* to a completed first draft (Victor), and then I’ll have two books in desperate need of Revision Hell ASAP.  Then there’s a short story I’d like to write, and maybe something for that steampunk romance anthology at Samhain, and oh yeah, my new SFR series I want to kick off.  Oops, and I also owe one last Keldari novella to Deena at Drollerie.

Not to mention all the promotion work for Rose releasing in print Dec/Jan and Dear Sir, I’m Yours in April.

Before I started popping Motrin for the splitting headache or uncorked the bottle of wine, I decided to step back and approach this just like I would any major undertaking I complete for the Evil Day Job. I always have multiple projects in the queue, with varying needs and usually tight deadlines, yet we always manage to get everything (or nearly so) done.  That’s because we plan.  And then we plan the plan.  And then we plan just a bit more.

So for the next few days, I’m going to post about planning and goals, in particular mine, but maybe you’ll get a few ideas on how to start off the new year with a solid plan in hand, while I work toward the endzone for Victor aka THE END.

My first step I completed was to make a list of every possible thing I’d like to get done between now and 4/30.  (I picked that date because that’s the deadline for the steampunk antho.  You can pick any date.  A month.  A week.  All year.)  At this point, I let myself put anything and everything on the list, no matter how unlikely it’ll be that I can humanly accomplish a fraction of all this work.  This is dream time, pie in the sky list in no particular priority or order.

  • finish the first draft of Victor.
  • Revision Hell for Victor with a goal to submit by the end of January.
  • Revision Hell for Return to Shanhasson with a goal to submit by the end of December.
  • Polish the first three chapters of Return quicker — say by Dec. 11 — for potential giveaway idea.
  • Revise and polish The Horse Master, my old freebie story (the first I think I ever put up on the blog) for potential promo idea.
  • Consider writing a short story to give away for the holidays with The Horse Master to help promote Rose.  How about Dainari?
  • short horror story for fun looking anthology
  • Finish Deathright and query ASAP.
  • Replot Seven Crows once Deathright is done.
  • Jot notes for Vicki’s story (the last Connagher).
  • Come up with an idea for the steampunk antho.  Worldbuild, plot, etc.  I have something possibly in mind…but the pieces won’t fall into place.  Needs some major brainstorming.
  • Drag out Given in Fire notes and rethink the plot in preparation for drafting.
  • Manage all the promo giveaways for the holidays, keep the blog interesting, etc.
  • Set up the “Find Gregar!” contest.
  • Book signing 12/12 at my hometown library.
  • Personal note:  trip to home office for EDJ likely in first quarter 2010.

I’m exhausted!!!  I’ll continue this process tomorrow.

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NaNoWriMo: Day 30 Final #Victor Snippet

Despite just a little over 4 hours of sleep, I’m alive this morning and working on getting the monsters out the door for school.  I’ll post one last snippet from Victor, and then I’ll have to find something else to entertain you for Friday Snippets.  It might be January before I start that tradition up again, because Dec. will be finishing Victor and Revision Hell, on not one but two books.

First up, it’s past time for me to revise Return to Shanhasson, last year’s NaNo novel that took me until Dec. 23 to finish (105K).  I have something I’d like to try, and I can’t do it unless this book is ready to go.  If it works out, I’ll post details later.

After Victor has sat for a couple of weeks, I’ll be ready to tackle him again.  My goal is to have both books submitted by the end of January.  Then it’ll be back to Deathright full steam ahead, in conjunction with Seven Crows.

In this snippet, I introduce Mama Connagher, a woman to strike the terror into any daughter in law.  Well, hopefully.  Unedited, first NaNoWriMo (shitty) draft.  This happens after the dark moment when Victor thinks he’s lost it all.

Virginia Connagher waited on the wraparound porch as though she’d known her son was coming home, even though he hadn’t made the hour drive up from Dallas in months.  She wore the same thing she always did:  riding jodhpurs, English riding boots, and a spotless white shirt, even though her hands and knees were dirty from digging in her garden.  Her black hair was sprinkled with a bit more gray, her eyes lined with a few more wrinkles, but her eyes still snapped with the fiery spirit that had captured Tyrell Connagher’s heart forty years ago.

“Hi, Mama.”

“Son.”  She looked him up and down and he couldn’t help but straighten his shoulders and widen his stance.  He braced for her to begin questioning him, but instead, she smiled.  “Come on down to the stables and see the new foals.”

Relieved although he tried not to show it, Victor walked with her down the red-dirt road to the long horse barns behind the house.  She proudly showed off the new stud she’d shipped in from Ireland, the yearlings in the paddock, and bit by bit, he managed to relax.  The smells of sweet hay, feed, and horse were as familiar to him as the two-story farmhouse where he’d grown up.  He’d worked with Mama in the show ring and Daddy in the fields, rounding up the cattle and shipping them to market.  He’d ridden every inch of their acreage, spent hours with Conn down at the creek fishing and swimming, and fixed countless feet of fence with him and Daddy after a storm had knocked a few trees down.

Watching a sleek bay mare with her spindle-legged baby, he felt the last stone of guilt fall away.  Here, he knew exactly who he was.  He was the Victor, the oldest Connagher son, football champion, and proud of his hard-working parents.  Maybe he could convince Shiloh to drive out here with him.  If she saw him here, the real Victor, then maybe…

“I saw your show last night,” Mama said, her voice too careful for him to tell what she’d really thought about it.

He propped a boot up on the bottom rail but didn’t turn to look at her.  “What’d you think?”

“I was wishing your Daddy could watch it with me so we could recreate a few of those challenges ourselves.”

Victor practically choked on his tongue.

Mama chuckled at the look on his face.  “Surely you wondered where you got such an inclination.  Did you think I’d be horrified at my baby boy with a crop in his hand?”

“Yeah, I did,” he admitted sheepishly.  “I guess I should have known better when Conn called me a few years ago for help.”

Nodding, Mama leaned against the fence and turned that steely blue gaze on him.  “He’s not as hard as you.  He never was.”

“Not as mean, neither.”

“Oh, Victor, is that what you think?  That you’re mean?”

I’m one mean sonofabitch, Mama.  I like to hurt people.  Especially the woman I love.

He ground his teeth and averted his gaze.

“I suppose you think I’m mean, then.”

That made him jerk his gaze back to hers.  Just a few inches over five feet tall, she possessed the kind of quiet, commanding presence that made people snap to attention whenever she walked into a room.  No one would claim she was a ravishing beauty, but once someone met her, it was hard to take their eyes off her.

Reluctantly, he had to admit it was the same kind of power he’d always had.  People listened to him.  He never had to raise his voice, and if he did, he scared the shit out of people.  He’d always assumed he’d inherited that top-dog attitude from Daddy.

Thinking back over his childhood, he tried to remember a time when Mama had ever overruled Daddy.  They’d always worked like a team, smooth and well-oiled.  Daddy wasn’t a big talker, but he’d always handled the discipline.  A look from him could strike terror into the most recalcitrant boy’s heart, so he’d never gotten into much trouble beyond the normal boyhood scrapes.  They’d both been there for him, through heartache and disappointments, like when he’d blown his knee and kissed his future goodbye.

They’d seen him at the lowest point of his life.  His dreams turned to shame, his love lost, his victor’s heart broken.

His gaze fell on the old barn in the distance.  Worn gray wood still stood, lost and forgotten amidst the shiny redwood and white picket fences of the newer horse barns.  When his last hope of returning as a pro-quality quarterback had died, he’d retreated to that old barn, too ashamed to come home and face Daddy.  Too heartbroken to risk their pity.

“As soon as I noticed my old crop was missing from the barn, I should have had a talk with you,” Mama whispered, her voice as gentle as the hand she dropped onto his forearm braced on the fence.  “But you’d been through so much already, and you didn’t ask any questions.  I watched, I waited, and you seemed to move on with your life.  When Conn went to you for help, I thought you were settled and comfortable with your needs, but maybe I was wrong.  Maybe I should have talked more openly with you.”

“This isn’t the kind of thing a man wants to discuss with his mother.”

She laughed again, shaking her head.  “You could have asked your Daddy, but he could have only helped you understand the other side.”

That made him whip his head back to her face.  “Daddy was a submissive?”

She snorted.  “There wasn’t a submissive bone in your Daddy’s body.  He never wanted to be conquered or tied up.  He wasn’t into that kind of game and neither was I.”

Dreading her answer, Victor asked, “What were you into?”

“Pain,” she answered simply.  “I used to joke that a bronc rider would have to be a masochist to get back on after getting trampled a few times.”

Victor tried to think of something to say, but he couldn’t.  He couldn’t imagine his weathered father submitting to the sting of a lash, let alone asking for it.  The man had worked from sunup to sundown every day of his life, raised three God-fearing respectful children, and died loving only one woman his entire life.  Victor had always thought him the strongest man in the world, fearless on a horse, even the wildest, rawest green broke mare.  He just couldn’t imagine the same man asking someone–a woman, his wife, no less–to whip him.

“Do you think I liked knowing that I yearned to hurt your Daddy?”  Mama asked sharply, her fingers tightening on his arm.  For a woman, she had a fearsome grip.  He’d always assumed her strength came from a lifetime of training show horses, but now he wasn’t so sure.  “Do you think it made him feel like a man in our day and age?  To lock the door of our bedroom, strip off his shirt, grip the bedpost, and ask me to whip him within an inch of my life?  I had to, son.  He had to.  The need was there, eating away at him constantly.  He needed the pain as much as I needed to give it.”

She turned away, but not before Victor saw the sheen of tears in her eyes.  “He said once that he wished I were a man so my arm didn’t give out quite so quickly.  He’d meant it as a joke, but it hurt, son.  He could have taken much more than I could ever give him.  For years, I worked out with the whip and crop, training my arms and body to make sure I met his need to the best of my ability.  So don’t you look down on yourself, Victor Connagher, or you’re looking down on me and his memory.”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone, least of all someone I love,” Victor whispered, hanging his head in shame.

“The young lady on the show?”  Mama asked softly.  He nodded, so she said, “When do I get to meet her?”

“Maybe never.  She left me.”

“I saw the way she looked at you, son.  Even on television, I could see that woman would give her heart and soul just to see you smile.  So why would she leave you?”

“She needs more than I can give.”

“Can, or will?”

He growled deep in his throat and jerked his hair tighter, but the pain didn’t help.  Not this time.  Nothing would ease the raw, aching need burning in his gut.  Nothing but Shiloh.

“It’s got to be difficult for a woman to find the right man when she needs to be hurt.  Women in our society have fought tooth and nail to get to the place where they can demand what they want in bed, but pain is a different beast all together.  It’s not politically correct for a woman to play the submissive, but it’s somehow even more horrible if she needs pain, too.  If someone had dared hurt Ty in a way he wasn’t interested in, he would’ve plowed his fist into the bastard’s face.  What’s your woman supposed to do, son?  Walk up to a stranger and ask him to hurt her?  How’s she going to be able to get him to stop when she’s had enough?”

Rage exploded in Victor at the thought of another man laying a hand–or a whip–on Shiloh.  He wanted to hold her, love her, and yes, hurt her.  Exactly the way she needed it.

“If she needs to be hurt, son, then it’s better done by someone who loves her and cares for her wellbeing than an arrogant fool with a whip who doesn’t give a damn about anything but putting on a show.  Do you love her?”

Victor clenched his jaws and nodded.  God, yes, he loved her.  He hadn’t been able to sleep last night, tormenting himself with the memory of the pleasure she’d given him, mixed with the guilt.  He’d lain there all night, hating himself but rock hard and aching with the need to do it all over again.  All I could think about was how f*cking good it’d felt to hurt her.

“You can’t deny this side of you, son.  You’re only lying to yourself.”  Mama  gripped his upper arms, leaning closer so she could stare up into his eyes.  He might be a foot taller, but she made him feel like a little boy again.  “We didn’t raise you to be a liar or a quitter.  You might have lost a game, but everything’s on the line now.  This is the biggest game of your life.  You’ve searched your whole life for a woman who could love you and accept the pain you need to give.  Are you going to let her get away?”

He smiled, not the nice, gentle smile a son would give his mother, but the grin of a confident conqueror bent on razing his enemy to the ground.  Even–especially–my own stupid hang-ups. “No, ma’am.”

“You go get her, son, and you bring her home this very night.  I want to meet the woman who finally claimed my Victor’s heart.”

“Soon,” he promised, leaning down to kiss her cheek.  “But not tonight.  We have to finish taping the show first.”

“Then you’ll bring her to the ranch?”

“If she’ll come, yes.”

“Remember, give her the pain you both need, son, but hurt her with love and hold her when you’re done.”  Mama smiled back and Victor felt a chill dripping down his spine.  “And don’t worry.  She’ll come, or I’ll fetch her myself.”

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NaNoWriMo Winner!

I’ll post more details and a snippet tomorrow.  Right now, I’m zonked.  I’ve been writing solid since 9 PM in order to finish and it’s now…*checks watch* 12:40 A.M.  I’ve been off from the Evil Day Job for a week, so I’ll definitely be a zombie tomorrow, but it’s totally worth it!

And no, Victor is not finished with me yet, so the fun will continue another couple of days.  I’m in the final punishment round that will declare America’s Next top sub.

Offical NaNoWriMo word count:  50,052

Victor total word count:  67,193 and counting.


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NaNoWriMo: Day 25

Thanksgiving prep is in full swing.  Last night, my SIL (the monsters call her BB) came over and we peeled, diced, boiled and mashed 20 pounds of potatoes.  20!  I had to mash them in batches because my little hand-held mixer kept gumming up.  I also made the cornbread (for stuffing), diced and sauted the onions/celery (also for stuffing), boiled some eggs (but I need to do another batch today) for deviled eggs, and made a huge nasty mess on top of the stove when my commercial-sized pot of potatoes boiled over.  UGH. 

Today my list is even longer, and no, I don’t have any words for the day yet, and I can’t stay up late tonight, because I have to be up by 6 AM tomorrow to get the turkey in the oven.

So it was especially important that I not fall even more behind yesterday.  I stayed up until midnight again to make sure I broke 40K.  I made it, just barely.  I hope to write short spurts today in between my chores, but the monsters only go to school half a day, which complicates everything.

NaNoWriMo:  40,062

Snippet:  The dark moment approaches. 

She tried to burrow into his neck–so he wouldn’t see the darkness in her eyes–but he wouldn’t let her hide.  No, the Master could hide all he wanted, but he would never tolerate such dishonesty in his submissive. 

She tried to make herself angry with him, but it didn’t work.

He kept his hands and voice gentle, but she knew he had to see the truth written in her eyes.  If he doesn’t…then he can’t be my Master, no matter how much I want him to be.

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NaNoWriMo: Day 23

So I’m starting to fall a bit behind.  Thanksgiving preparation is killing me!  We’re hosting again this year and expect 16 (possibly up to 20) for lunch Thursday.  I don’t have “a list.”  I have 5 pages of notes about when to start each dish and a grocery list a mile long.  And here I thought mastering a story with 2 major subplot lines was challenging!

I was sooo tired last night that at 10 PM I made a fresh pot of coffee.  I was determined to get at least 1 day’s words in so I wouldn’t fall even further behind.  It took almost 2 hours, but I got my words.  This morning, I was going to run errands, etc. but Papa from Mexico (my Dad and he’s not really from Mexico) will be in town for Grandparents’ Day, so I think I’ll get my words first.  I need to break 40K today if I have any hope of hitting NaNoWriMo this weekend.

NaNoWriMo total (as of last night): 37,924 words

Snippet:  I love the undercurrents in this snippet, building toward the big showdown.

“I trust you.  Don’t you know that?”

“How…”  He swallowed the ragged edge in his voice.  “How can you trust me?”

Shadows flickered through her eyes that he couldn’t name.  Doubt?  Concern?  Anger?  “Are you saying I shouldn’t?”

Releasing her, he stretched out on his back and stared up at the ceiling.  “I don’t know.  I don’t know how far I’ll go.  I don’t know what my limit is, and if I don’t know mine, how can you trust me not to cross yours?”

“I don’t know what my limits are either.”  She laid her head on his chest and stroked her fingers up and down his chest in lazy swirls, teasingly giving a light pull on his chest hairs.  “Are you scared of me?”

“Hell, yes, I’m scared of you.  Baby, you push me so hard I’m afraid I’ll drag us both off the cliff.”

“Well, as long as we go together, I don’t care.”

She said it so lightly, as though she really didn’t care, while the very thought made him ill.  How could he love and protect her if he was the one who’d hurt her the worst? 

“I suppose we ought to get back.  Mal still needs to punish me.”

Stiffening, he fought for a calm and reasonable tone of voice.  “I really don’t like another Dominant to punish you, even for the show.”

She propped her elbow on his chest so she could stare down into his eyes.  In a somber, gentle voice, she said, “You know you’re the only one who can ever truly punish me, don’t you?  What Patrick did was just a show.  It didn’t mean anything.”

“It meant a big f*cking deal to me to sit there and watch him hurt you.”  When I wanted to hurt you myself.

“It hurt, sure, but it wasn’t punishment.  It certainly wasn’t glorious like what you just did.  I’d much rather have you hurt me.” She shrugged, so nonchalant that he wanted to shake her. 


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Friday Snippet: #Victor

I’m going to try and keep doing Friday Snippets, but they have to be shorter and may potentially skip around.  In this snippet, Shiloh discovers a large portrait of Victor in the owner’s office at Silken, the BDSM club.  First draft only, etc.

He wore jeans, the pants’ legs tucked into his trademark boots, and a simple light-colored shirt unbuttoned to his waist so it hung open, baring the bulge of his pectorals sprinkled with dark hair.  Long sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, giving her a good look at his muscled forearms.  Even from ten feet away, she could see the lines of tendons and veins beneath his skin, the promise of strength and skill with the long crop in his right hand.  Oh, God, his hands, those broad palms, long, graceful fingers, explosive power in every inch—they drew her eyes like magnets.

He stood with his right foot up in a chair, his right elbow braced on his knee, the crop held casually—but prominently—in his hand.  He wore a black hat with a silver band.  An old-fashioned gun belt rode low on his hips with ornate pistols holstered on each side.  In his left hand, he held a coiled lasso.  He was prepared to wrestle a steer into submission, hang a horse rustler…or whip a sub within an inch of her life.

Dark hollows beneath his eyes carved out the harsh planes of his face, giving him a wicked, grim look that made her tummy quiver.  His eyes burned with hunger, an unquenchable need that would never be satisfied.  That look promised harsh punishment, no tenderness, no softness whatsoever.

Why did I ever picture him dressed as an English lord?

If she’d seen this photograph before devising the show, she would have done the whole damned thing as a Western so he could keep his boots.

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NaNoWriMo: Days 17, 18

I can’t claim many words at all for today, but I have a very good reason.  Last night on Twitter, I saw a recommendation from Smart Bitches that they’d love to see downloadable excerpts on author sites.  Made total sense — after all, I’ve been a reading junkie now that I have my iPhone.  So after work tonight, I set out to create pdf, rtf, and epub downloadable excerpts for all my novellas and novels.  They’re centrally located here on a single page, or you can retrieve the files from each book’s page as well.

I’ve got to admit, switching pdf to epub via Calibre and Stanza was a royal pain in the backside.  I can’t imagine what a headache it is for Deena to do these (and many more!) each and every release!  However, I think this is a huge step in the right direction.  If there’s a format you wished I had available, please let me know and I’ll figure out how to get it!

Back to NaNoWriMo, I had over 2K last night, but only a couple hundred tonight.  An unplanned sex scene reared its ugly head, earlier than I expected.  Is this the big show down moment?  Is she finally going to tell him to suck it up or leave her the hell alone?  Maybe.  I need to see how the next few sections play out.  I’ve still got a few external plot things to deliver (the leak/spy) so I don’t know if the timing is right or not.

But at least I had fun.  🙂

NaNoWriMo total:  32,582

Snippet:  Remember that Shiloh’s stage name for the show is “Gift.”  She did poorly on the “service” challenge and is being punished by another Master, shortly after the last snippet I posted.  Remember, this is all staged for the show.  It’s not a real BDSM scene in action.  However, it’s the only place where Victor allows himself to really play Master, which is why Shiloh gets herself into so much trouble.

“Her safeword,” Victor said in a voice that made cold chills race down her spine.  “Is Christmas.  I expect you to use it if you need to, Gift.  That’s an order.”

She kept her head down for him, giving him the respect even though he wasn’t participating in the scene.  “Yes, Master.”

“Christmas,” Patrick drawled out.  “Very well.  Count them out, Gift, so I’m not forced to start over at the beginning.”

The long leather tail snaked on the floor, rasping and promising agony.  He gave a trial snap that made her flinch, but the whip didn’t touch her.  Not yet.

He laughed softly.  “Ready, my dear?”

“Yes, sir.”

She heard the sharp crack of the lash before she felt the cut of his blow on her left shoulder.  Her breath rushed out and she twisted her wrists in the bonds, but she didn’t cry out.  Damn, that hurt.  He must have managed to hit one of Victor’s bruises.  “One.”

If it’d been Victor delivering punishment in a formal scene, she would have thanked him for it, but not Patrick.  Not unless her Master ordered it.

Panting, she opened her mind to the pain.  She didn’t fight it or tense her muscles.  In fact, she relaxed everything.  Her knees sagged, but the bonds kept her upright.  She fought her eyes back open and sought Victor.

Don’t you understand I’m doing this for you?  This is nothing compared to what I want–need–you to do.

He gave a slight nod of his head but his face remained stiff and remote.  An order, or encouragement?  She couldn’t tell.  His face was too hard, his eyes too dark.

As a consummate showman, Patrick trailed the leather across the ground, drawing out both her tension and the viewers’.  When her breathing had steadied, he pulled his arm back and sent the whip whistling through the air again.  Pain bloomed on her opposite shoulder.

She sucked in her breath and clenched her jaws to keep from crying out.  She wouldn’t make a sound for him.  Screams and moans were rewards for the Master wielding the weapon, and she refused to reward anyone but Victor.

When she trusted her voice, she whispered, “Two.”

“I’m impressed, Gift.  I thought surely you would be whimpering by now.  Maybe you’ll endure ten strokes after all.”

Her back burned so fiercely she did want to whimper, but she looked at Victor–his hand clenched about his crop that was laid in his lap, his other hand wrapped around his wineglass so tightly she thought it might shatter–and she clamped her mouth shut.

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NaNoWriMo: Day 16

The day started out really slow.  I had a brief session semi-Dark & Early, and then after the Evil Day Job while waiting on dinner to cook (Princess Monster has guitar lessons on Monday so we eat pretty late).  When I came downstairs to do the dishes, I only had a tad over 1K.

I went back upstairs after dinner and proceeded to goof off on Twitter.  Conn wanted to look up some poetry for some Twitter buddies, which is always fun and engrossing.  I guess I should have shut down my internet, but I was smiling and happy when I finally sat down to write, instead of grim and determined.  While watching Monday Night Football, I kept whittling away at the scene, determined to break 2K for the day.

When I pasted my day’s work into the NaNo file, I had not only hit 2K, but realized I needed less than 200 words to break 30K for NaNo.  Of course, that was a challenge I could not refuse!  So back to Victor and I eeked out a few more paragraphs.

NaNoWriMo total:  30,001 words

Victor:  up to 49,946.  Now you’d think I would be determined to keep going until I broke 50K here, but I do have 50K already.  I have a side file started for some future “dark moment” notes, a couple of blog entries I’m still debating, and a long talk with Mama Connagher.  So I don’t feel pressured to keep going for another 54 words tonight!  My wrists are pretty sore (I played a game of Bejeweled tonight with my laptop touchpad and almost cried they were so sore!), so I’m calling it quits for the night. 

Since Victor is picking up a little, I might try to get a bit in Deathright tomorrow after I complete at least 1666 words for him.

Snippet:  Written tonight, unedited.  Victor is NOT pleased. 

Rage pulsed so dark and ugly through him that he trembled.  He’d never bound her, and now another would do it and make him watch.  He closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing, instead of ripping that damned rack apart with his bare hands and dragging Shiloh upstairs where he would bind her.  Where he would punish her within an inch of her life.  Where he’d make savage love to her until she never again even thought to invite another Dominant to lay a hand on her.

Something touched his knee and he flinched, his eyes flying open.  Shiloh huddled at his feet, her forehead pressed to his leg.  “Forgive me, Master V.  Give me the order and I’ll refuse.  We’ll re-film the entire episode.  And I’ll endeavor to watch everyone’s food selections instead of daydreaming about what I could do under the table with such a full-length cloth to hide me.”

Some of the turmoil shredding his gut faded.  He heard the sincerity in her voice.  By the catch in her throat, she might actually be near tears.  Silently, he laid his hand on her head, rubbing his fingers against her scalp.

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Yes you did.”  He sighed out a long breath but kept his fingers gentle on her head.  “I’m assuming Mal helped you plan this out?”

“She said it would be risky,” Shiloh admitted.  She twisted her head so she could look up at his face.  “Are you very angry?”

“Yes.  And I’m going to be much angrier after I have to sit here and watch Patrick ogle my sub while he whips you.”

 Her eyes were dark and solemn.  “Am I yours?”