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Friday Snippet: #Victor

I’m going to try and keep doing Friday Snippets, but they have to be shorter and may potentially skip around.  In this snippet, Shiloh discovers a large portrait of Victor in the owner’s office at Silken, the BDSM club.  First draft only, etc.

He wore jeans, the pants’ legs tucked into his trademark boots, and a simple light-colored shirt unbuttoned to his waist so it hung open, baring the bulge of his pectorals sprinkled with dark hair.  Long sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, giving her a good look at his muscled forearms.  Even from ten feet away, she could see the lines of tendons and veins beneath his skin, the promise of strength and skill with the long crop in his right hand.  Oh, God, his hands, those broad palms, long, graceful fingers, explosive power in every inch—they drew her eyes like magnets.

He stood with his right foot up in a chair, his right elbow braced on his knee, the crop held casually—but prominently—in his hand.  He wore a black hat with a silver band.  An old-fashioned gun belt rode low on his hips with ornate pistols holstered on each side.  In his left hand, he held a coiled lasso.  He was prepared to wrestle a steer into submission, hang a horse rustler…or whip a sub within an inch of her life.

Dark hollows beneath his eyes carved out the harsh planes of his face, giving him a wicked, grim look that made her tummy quiver.  His eyes burned with hunger, an unquenchable need that would never be satisfied.  That look promised harsh punishment, no tenderness, no softness whatsoever.

Why did I ever picture him dressed as an English lord?

If she’d seen this photograph before devising the show, she would have done the whole damned thing as a Western so he could keep his boots.

8 thoughts on “Friday Snippet: #Victor

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by joelysue, Heather LH. Heather LH said: RT @joelysue: New post: Friday Snippet: #Victor ( […]

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by joelysue: New post: Friday Snippet: #Victor (

  3. So he could keep his boots…LOVE IT!

  4. Thanks, Sherri! The boots are going to play a significant part in the external plot, plus the source for a joke or two. He picked out $10K boots–he’d better wear them as often as possible! :mrgreen: 😆

  5. Dang it, Joely. If you keep this up, you’re going to owe me a new keyboard. Even if it doesn’t short out, the drool is going to make all the keys stick together. 😛

  6. Very addictive! You know you only make me want more 😈

  7. Pesh, now that is a new goal to which I aspire–make you replace your shorted out keyboard!

    I must admit, Marissa, that is entirely my goal! :mrgreen:

  8. 😆 INteresting my friend

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