Posted on 53 Comments

Giveaway: Larissa Ione and Stephanie Tyler


Congratulations to Larissa and Stephanie for their book releases today!  It’s no secret that I love the Demonica series (I made the kids wait to go into The Dixie Stampede last year until I could finish the book!!), and I’ve got Jake’s book sitting on my shelf, begging to be read, so what better way to celebrate than to give a few good books away?

Comment on this post to enter or e-mail me once at joelysueburkhart AT before midnight CST Thursday, Jan. 28th.  I’ll announce the winner Friday.  Anyone on the planet may enter, even if you’ve won something from me before, and I do not retain your names/e-mail addresses after the contest is over.

53 thoughts on “Giveaway: Larissa Ione and Stephanie Tyler

  1. Two great authors and The Demonica Series rocks!!

  2. Hi Joely 🙂
    What a nice way to celebrate the release of these two books!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win.
    All the best,

  3. I’d like to throw my name into the ring the books look like a great read.

  4. Hi, my first time on your blog. Love the covers 🙂

    Please do enter me.

  5. PLease add me to the contest x

  6. Oh I love the Demonica series. I would love a chance to win .

  7. Hi Joely, fantastic contest 🙂 Thanks for being so generous.
    Good luck, everyone!

  8. This is the first time I’ve been on your site. Cool. I love both series. Thanks for the contest.

    The Blackraven

  9. I love both of these authors. Thanks for the contest. I’d like to mention that Gena Showalter’s TWICE AS HOT is out today as well. Lots of great books to read 🙂 .

  10. Two awesome series and two awesome authors! Congratulations on your new releases ladies 😀 Wishing you much success, so you can keep on writing for us fans 🙂

  11. Congrats to Stephanie and Larissa on release day! The Demonica series DOES rock–I’m almost caught up!

  12. Would love to read the books! 🙂

  13. Congrats on the HAWT! new releases.
    Thanks for all the fun. :^)

  14. Don’t enter me Joely…I’m hitting the book store today if it kills me, LOL.

    Love the Demonica series, Melissa Mayhue’s latest in her Daughters of the Glen series (also releases today), but I have to say I haven’t tried Taylor’s series yet though after the interview between Lore and Chris…oh yeah, it’s on my list!

  15. What a great day! Two amazing releases and it’s my baby’s first birthday!! Can’t wait to dig into what I am sure will be another great read by two fantastic authors!

  16. Ooh, a contest! 😉

    Actually, I had thought the new Demonica book wasn’t out until *NEXT* Tuesday. Wow! Nice surprise! (Though I won’t be hitting the bookstore again this week anyway, I suspect.)

  17. Both covers are amazing! Great givaway. Count me in!

  18. Thanks so much for the chance to win! It’s great of you to promote like this. 😀

  19. I would love to be included. A great way to celebrate release day.

  20. I haven’t tried Stephanie Tyler’s books, but I adore the Demonica series. I’m patiently waiting for the Kindle release (it’s not until 2/1) so I’d be happy to get the book instead.

  21. Hi Joely, what a great contest, both books are on my wishlist!

  22. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lauren Dane, Mandi Schreiner, Patti O'Shea, Pearl, Jill Sorenson and others. Jill Sorenson said: RT @joelysue: Congrats to LarissaIone & StephanieTyler for their books releasing today! Wanna win a copy? […]

  23. well you got me hooked on Lynn Viehl… maybe i’ll get lucky and you’ll hook me on another great author! :mrgreen:

  24. Hi Joely, first visit here I think! Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway. I’ve read both authors with their single titles or writing together. Have to check out these new series!

  25. 🙂 would be interested in winning, have not read these authers before, but there’s always a first time!

  26. Awesome giveaway and I love the demonica series!!!

  27. Wonderful contest – I’d love to win – I love both of these authors.

  28. I think both author’s are fantastic, but love Stephanie Tyler’s series.

  29. These are two great authors and I’ve been seriously looking forward to their books! I’d be tickled pink to win!

  30. Hi Joely, I’m also new to your site. I love it when there are contests for new releases!! Thanks, Sue

  31. Wow you both rock. Keep ’em coming.
    I can’t wait to geta copy Of Hold on Tight, from my local bookstore, as they keep sending ST signed books 🙂

  32. Two awesome authors and two equally awesome series! And in one post, almost too good to be true!

  33. Have read some of the Demonica series.. love it. Haven’t read any Stephanie Tyler yet, so would love to win either or both 🙂
    Thanks for a shot at them.. it’s really nice of you to offer them up.
    Good luck everyone.

  34. Ohh please enter me!!!

  35. thesebooks sound so awesome would be awesome to win great post and i soo love those covers

  36. Two great books by two great authors.
    I can’t wait to read them.

  37. Both books sound great and I have the others in the series so these would help out.

  38. OMG I’ve been SO EXCITED about Lore’s book. I had planned to go out and buy it yesterday but a stomach bug has kept me in. Take pity on the sick person? :wink wink:

  39. 😉 Wow what a great friend yuo must be to help them celebrate!

  40. Great giveaway. Count me in!

  41. Hi Joely 😀
    wow, what a contest! thanks so much!
    greetings, Ina

  42. Both books sound great. Look forward to reading. Congrats

  43. Thanks for the contest. Congrats!!

  44. I have not read anything from either authors but they sound interesting. Thanks for the contest.

  45. I’ve never read any one of these series’, but they sound fantastic!! Great contest!!

  46. I am beginning to read both series and am totally hooked! I look forward inreading the next books.

  47. wow thats a heck of a prize 😛

  48. Thank you for the contest and I’d love a chance to win. Hope I’m not to late…coming in from the left coast.

  49. Congrats on the book releases. I hope both do GREAT! Thanks for the contest!

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