Today I drove back up to Granny’s (my Mom) and helped put the finishing touches on the outfits. I. Am. Amazed. My Mom did such an incredible job! The pieces are gorgeous. They mix and match, with interchangeable bustles and boleros.
Here are a few pictures. Warning: sans makeup and my hair is messy. The fancy beaded corset is harder to put on, so I stuck with just the white one for now.
This one was taken in Mom’s sewing room. The bustle is detachable, simply buttoning onto the black taffeta skirt’s waistband. I thought this would be my favorite bolero, but I actually like the red one (below) better. It might be hard to tell what’s in the pattern on the bustle, but it’s black feathers, skulls, spider webs, etc. Wicked cool and definitely not “usual” Victorian wear!
This one was taken once I got home. This bustle is much more complicated and ties onto loops sewn into the back of the skirt AND buttons onto the waistband. I’m starting to understand why ladies had ladies’ maids, because MAN it’s going to be hard to dress myself at RT. I have to tie the bustle on first, but leave one side undone so I can slip into the skirt. Then tie and button it once on. It’s almost as hard as fastening the busk on the other corset!
The monsters helped me make the hat.
Here’s the same one from the front. That apron thing beneath the corset is also detachable, so I can choose to wear it with either bustle. I adore the flash of red satin in the cascade!
I’m still working on finding the right shirt to wear beneath the corset. This cami works, but the straps are a little too big and I’ll be constantly checking to make sure nothing’s sagging out the side.
The pattern had a lined vest that looked a lot like this cami, but Mom was having problems with it. I told her not to worry about it – the show stoppers are done and are gorgeous. I can find something to wear underneath!
Wow – your mom did a great job!
Wish I was going, I would’ve been honored to be your ladies’ maid.
Very cool!
WOW! Your mum did a fantastic job!!
They all look great. And the hat is the perfect touch. You’re going to knock them dead at RT! Stunning, simply stunning.
Eeee! You look amazing! And the hat brings the whole thing together! *does the happy dance* Man, I wish I didn’t already have obligations in May!!