I’m so excited! I ordered the perfect teapot off Amazon yesterday. Since I broke my other one, I made a joke to That Man about getting a cast iron one. To my delight, they do make cast iron teapots and they weren’t that much more expensive. The name of this one caught my eye first: Cast-Iron Mythology Teapot. It’s red, black, and has a dragon on it. Is that perfect for me or what?
I also ordered a cast-iron cup that sort of matches. It doesn’t have a dragon but it looks to be the same red. It didn’t qualify for Prime shipping, so I only ordered one, but I’d love to have a four-set of these someday.
If nothing else, I can get a workout by hefting my cup a few times while brainstorming my sticky plot mess!
I feel like I should now broaden my tea experience. I keep English Breakfast in stock from Harney & Sons, as well as a few other store-bought tea bags like Vanilla Chai and Jasmine. What’s your favorite tea and where do you get it?
Still sick but somewhat better. Watch for Revision Xibalba posts today — I would love to finish another couple of new sections so I can be clear to revise tomorrow and Tuesday.