I wasn’t getting very far plotting out the PNR. I have a general premise and the world is pretty solid in my mind, but I wasn’t getting anywhere with the plot and I didn’t want to sit around twiddling my thumbs. The idea is too cool to sit here spinning my wheels. So I decided to just go ahead and start writing. Sometimes I need the juices to flow and one thing leads to another and another.
So I was in the first section, feeling my way along. The heroine is taking shape nicely. She meets the character I’d planned for her to run into. They sit down at a table.
And I suddenly realized he isn’t the character I thought he is. In fact, he’s the hero, so in disguise that not even I recognized him. I mean, I intended this story to break a few typical genre molds. This hero is not a big mean alpha shifter. He’s not even Dominant. Yet he’s an extremely powerful, interesting man.
I just didn’t know he could do *this* too.
So my two characters Cooper and Dasan suddenly combined into Dasan Cooper and now I know he wears two different faces.
Coolness. Love the names too