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NaNo Day 15, 16 and the Winner

It’s been a miserable few days. I caught some kind of stomach bug that’s had me very friendly with the bathroom for the last twenty four hours.  I didn’t have a single cup of coffee all day!  *shock*  I took the day off and was too weak and tired to do much more than watch the first four episodes of Castle (that’s Sis, for getting me hooked on another show!).  I barely did any writing at all, so now I’m good and behind, not just at NaNo but at work and around the house too.  Did I mention that we’re hosting Thanksgiving next week?  *dies*

Anyway, no counts today.  I’ll try to get a fresh total for tomorow and regroup.  I’m not sure if this novella is going to work or not — the perils of starting a new work in the middle of NaNo.

Now, for the winner of the Jenna Reynolds book:

Lianna Williamson!

Lianna, please drop me an e-mail (joelysueburkhart AT gmail DOT com) with your desired format, and I’ll get your copy of Kiss of Honor.

Congrats again, Jenna, on yet another release!

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NaNo Day 13,14

I’m spluttering a bit, which makes me nervous.  Yes, I’m ahead, but not by much.  I don’t have any days off this week, so I really need to get my words in each and every day!

However, we had a HUGE weekend of shopping and prepping for a family dinner today.  The two youngest monsters were baptized today, and we had family over after church for dinner.  I had to get up super early to get the dish prepared.  Michael Smith’s fancy spaghetti was wonderfully yummy, but it needs an hour to simmer (to burn off the alcohol).  I could have done it Sat. night and then put it in the crock pot to warm this morning, but I didn’t feel up to it.  Somehow in all the organizing and cleaning Thursday or Friday, I tweaked my lower back.  It was worse Friday night/Saturday to the point where all I really wanted to do after shopping all day was to put my feet up with a heating pad on my back.

Luckily today it’s much better although still stiff and sore.  Up Dark & Early to cook, but it was sooo worth it to come home and devour such delicious food.  I had the salad prepped, even the garlic bread ready to pop in the oven (one with roasted garlic that I prepared while the spaghetti simmered).  Definitely a WIN for lunch.

However, I didn’t get much done at all on the writing front.  To make it even harder:  I had to START a new story and openings can be slow to get going.  I have to get the setting and voice of the characters nailed, and I’m still a little shaky.  However, I’ve just about got this introduction figured out.  I started in Phantom, but I plan to work in Miseryland too until I get settled on one story for the rest of month.

NaNoWriMo total:  27,025

Snippet:  horribly rough opening.  I know I’ll change it a dozen times.  There are a lot of clues in these lines, though, about what this story is really about.

“Son of a bitch.” Christel stared at the incriminating numbers on her laptop’s screen. “He was right.”

For the last six weeks, an anonymous tipster calling himself Phantom had been leading her through GHI Shipping’s books on a bread-crumb trail of international weapons smuggling, fraud, and murder. The man had to work for GHI to have such in-depth knowledge, but she had no idea who he was or how he’d gotten her name in the first place. Somehow, he’d known exactly why she’d finally let her mother—who just happened to be CEO—browbeat her into accepting a position in the family company.

All she knew about him was his cell number—pre-paid, evidently, yielding no clues to his identity—and his firm belief that the culprit she was looking for could be no other than their boss, Rafael [last name].

Unfortunately, her mother surely suspected him too, or she wouldn’t have sent Christel to the Houston office.

She took off her glasses and rubbed her temples. Not Rafe, surely. She’d known him her entire life. Once upon a time, her mother had even dreamed of a merger between two of the three founding families of GHI, even though Christel had her eyes set on the third family, not Rafe’s. That dream had been doomed from the very first—and only—kiss.

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NaNoWriMo Day 10,11

Between yesterday and today, I finished a first-draft plot for Miseryland (post-apoc).  I played around with a tarot reading to get some ideas on how the climax and resolution should play out.  I’m still fairly vague on several key items, but in general, I have the road map figured out.

Then I returned to Phantom tonight and began plotting it in more detail.  Since Scrivener is really working well for Miseryland, I created a new folder for this project too.  I love the notecards!  LOVE.  I’m almost to the end of Act I for the plotting, but it needs to be tightened.  I want this to fall into the 20-30K range, so I need a small cast of characters.  I’m also shooting for an erotic work, and so far, there’s nothing erotic about it.  :oops:  Will definitely be working on that tomorrow!

NaNoWriMo total:  25,953

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NaNoWriMo Days 8,9

Since I’ve finished up the first two projects, I had major planning, plotting, worldbuilding, etc. to do for the other two.  Yeah, I have notes and some details already figured out, but not enough to confidently plow through one of these new stories.  I fully intend to SUBMIT these stories for publication, so it’s important that I know what the @#*% I’m doing before I get too deep!

So for two days, I worked on the plot for Miseryland (post-apoc).  I’m doing it in Scrivener, and I’ve managed to complete at least a rough draft of the plot through Act II part 2.  I still need the big showdown and final climax.  In general, I know “what” happens.  I just don’t know all those pesky details.  *sheepish*  I’m hoping those will filter out naturally once I get closer.  I do at least have an ending point to write to, and then I’ll have to figure out how the good guys actually WIN.

The other project, working title Phantom, has been giving me some problems.  I had the premise pretty well thought out in my mind, and it’s a shorter work, so I don’t need a lot of plot.  I actually don’t want a bunch going on to detract from the erotic elements.  But the characters themselves were just little cardboard props.  I had no idea WHY they had to be in this story, with those names, those goals, etc.  So today, my job was to sit down and write out all the backstory I could think of.

When did they know each other (for space reasons, I need them to know each other relatively well before the story starts)?  How did they grow up?  What problems did they have as teenagers and young adults?  Who’s their family? Who’s the antagonist?  Who’s the red herring and why? Who did they not get along with? 

WHY WHY WHY?  Always, that crucial question. 

I managed to get over 2k of backstory written.  Now most of this will NOT end up in the story, but I have a much better feeling of who these characters are and why I need to tell their story.

And yes, I’m counting all this synopsis/pre-work for NaNoWriMo.  It’s words that I have to have to be successful.  Consider them a “draft 0.”  I’m hoping to begin drafting a bit of Miseryland while I work out a more formal plot of Phantom.  Whichever one takes off the most in the next week will be the one I ride to the finish line, but I’d really really love to have first drafts of both done by the end of the year.  Doable since I think they’re going to be about 70-80K total in first draft.

No snippet tonight since I’m just plotting and building.

NaNoWriMo count:  24,200

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NaNo Day 6,7

Another one bites the dust!

Since I have the day off from the Evil Day Job today, I stayed up late last night until I finished the short novella.  Yes, you read that right.  NaNoWriMo has helped me finish TWO projects.  Could I have finished them without NaNoWriMo?  Of course.  But the pressure and challenge of this month gave me the extra push that I needed in order to finish Vicki.  She’s been the albatross about my neck since March or so.  Now she’s done, the short novella is done, and I’m free to start one of two brand-new projects.

I’m spending the day plotting a post-apoc, working title Miseryland.  I don’t know how much wordage I’ll get, but I’m writing up an outline in Scrivener.  Of course I have another short — the Gregar prequel — I could also work on if I get desperate for words.  Right now, I’m ahead.  Taking the time to plot a bit will only help me come up with a working, usable project.

NaNoWriMo total as of last night:  20,173

Last snippet of Golden:

As beautiful as the most delicate orchid, Empress Lei lay back onto the Emperor’s bed, her gaze studiously locked on the ornate ceiling and drapery above.  Fine silvery lines traced over her stomach, bearing testament to the son she’d delivered, but otherwise, not a single flaw marked her body.  The stories of her bathing in milk and honey to keep her skin’s youthful glow must surely be correct.

Naked as her, he stretched out at her side so he could look across her at me.  His hand was dark against her skin.  I knew how rough he could be, the hidden power in those cruel fingers that could make me squirm in pain or scream in bliss.  Yet he touched her lightly, as though truly afraid that she might break.

A tiny piece of my heart cracked off and crumbled to dust as I watched him touch her. 

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NaNoWriMo Day 5

Lots of real life stuff came up today.  We’re having an impromtu family dinner for four, possibly five, guests tomorrow, so it’ll be frantic cleaning, etc. tomorrow.  I also learned our Thanksgiving Dinner (which we host) count has gone up by 5, bringing us to 18.  We also have a special class to attend after service at church on Sunday.  Don’t even ask about the mountain of laundry.  I also need to get groceries. 

Sigh.  Whose idea was it to make November the National Novel Writing Month?!?

But as Lynn Viehl blogged tonight, real life is always going to interfere.  We just have to find a way to balance it all as well as possible. 

I continued work on Golden tonight (1681 words) bringing my total to 16,113.

Snippet:  Jin’s instincts warn that something is terribly wrong.

I untied my sash, carefully slipping my two favorite blades into my palms.  Casually, I hummed beneath my breath and slowly moved toward the massive bed, even though my heart pounded like a thousand Mongols at full charge.  A slow turn around the room as I slipped off the outer robe indicated nothing alarming.  All the doors were shut.  None of the tapestries rustled against the walls.  Yet that prickling sensation came again, a fleeting warning.

The attack will be from above.

Drilling with General Wu for years had honed my instincts.  I waited until my nape screamed with urgency, refusing to look up.  How many assassins had the Empress sent?  One, I was confident I could handle at least this first time, because no one expected me to know how to protect myself.  More than one assassin, though, and the Emperor would likely return to find only a bloody corpse on his rugs.

At the last possible moment before my nerves erupted into a firestorm, I threw myself to the floor, rolled upon my back, and tossed the first knife at the black shape hovering six inches above where my head would have been.  I didn’t stop to think.  I tossed the second knife before the first even landed.

A man crashed onto the floor.  Blood sprayed my gown, my face, but I jerked the next knife out from inside my sleeve.  The first throw had caught him in the neck.  The second in the eye.  But they were slender blades.  Maybe not enough for a killing blow.

I heard voices, the rush of running feet, but no one called out to me.  She must have paid off the token servants left to see to anything I might need in the Emperor’s absence.

The assassin didn’t make a sound, but he twitched uncontrollably.  His right arm jerked out toward me and I stumbled back, knife cocked.  He crawled after me, but blood bubbled from his mouth.  I kept out of his reach, but I didn’t wound him again.  The man was dead.  He simply didn’t know it yet.

At last, I heard the Emperor’s raised voice and the thudding of feet.  The grand door slammed open and guards poured into the room.  He took one look at the black-clothed man on the floor and turned narrowed eyes on his captain.  The man fell to his knees, while the attendants wrung their hands, crowded together like a flock of squawking chickens.

“If one precious hair on her head is injured, you shall all die.” 

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NaNo Day 4

(I owe you a post declaring the winner of the gorgeous P&P handbag, and I also have a review to share.  Tomorrow, I promise!)

Late, and I didn’t get nearly as much done today.  I had a hard time concentrating.  Imagine that, after finally finishing Vicki!

I knew it would be tough today.  Finishing a book is always an extreme high, and then naturally, a crash follows.  I didn’t want to do much of anything tonight but watch scary movies now that we have Netflix instant streaming working on the monsters’ Wii.  However, I didn’t want to totally lose steam, so I kept Golden open all night and finally scratched out a word or two.

Golden: 1432

Phantom: 0

Miseryland: 0

Day’s Total:  1432

NaNoWriMo Total:  14432

Snippet:  This is from Golden, the short novella I’m working on, a sort of secret project.  *oops* 

She did not need to explain the intricacies of political power to me.  The Emperor would find it difficult to dispose of her quietly without causing his three strongest rivals for the throne to unite against him in rebellion.  I’d known before I ever set foot in the Forbidden City that he needed his Empress to hold his throne.  Any overt action against her would require his immediate and forceful retaliation.

But her intentions against me were not nearly so limited.

She watched me with narrowed eyes dark with intent.  Poison waited on this table.  I could almost smell it.  She’d eaten the pastry but neglected to drink her tea, but that told me nothing.  If she’d used the same poison she’d used to kill Ping’s mother, then she could have simply ingested the antidote prior to coming to my room.

The same as I had done. 

Yet the risk tightened like a noose about my neck.  If I’d assumed incorrectly and she’d used some other poison…

Courage.  I cannot protect my son if I’m unable to make a decision for fear of making a mistake. 

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NaNo Day 3

And on the third day there was great rejoicing across the land, because after MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS…..

Vicki’s story is finished!

*throws confetti*  *Snoopy dances*  *shouts with glee*

YOURS TO TAKE’s 55K words (first draft) are the hardest I’ve ever had to write.  It still needs some work — specific holes I know I need to fill — but overall, I’m terribly pleased with this draft.  I even managed to work in a small brownie joke that ties back to Dear Sir, I’m Yours!

Words added today: 2,089  (might try for late night shift after dinner in Golden)

NaNoWriMo total: 13,000

Snippet:  This is still in the dark moment of the story, from Elias’s POV.  (Follows the snippet from yesterday.)  A bit longer to celebrate “The End!”

At 3:00 a.m. Elias sat outside Vicki’s apartment in his truck, took another swig of Jack straight from the bottle, and called himself a pussy.  He’d been sitting out here drinking for half an hour, and still hadn’t found the nerve to go up and see if she’d let him in.  Oh, sure, he could use his key, but that would feel too much like sneaking.

Maybe she’d changed the locks.  She’d been pissed enough to do something like that, and for good reason.

That’s one thing he’d never done to a woman he cared about before, and it shamed him.  It made him feel like dog crap to think about how scared she must have been to hear about a dead cop and then get his voicemail.  He’d sworn to his first wife that he’d always answer the phone.  Even if he was in the middle of handcuffing some dirtbag, he’d plant a knee in the jerk’s back and take her call.  She’d still divorced his ass.

What the hell will Vicki do to me? 

He knew he deserved the biggest ass-chewing she’d ever thought about giving him.  He’d left her.  Again.  He’d hurt her.  Again.  Then he’d scared ten years off her life.  Now he sat out here too scared to go up and face the music.

No, that wasn’t true.  He’d always been able to deal with her temper.  In fact, nothing turned him on more than watching her rip into him, teeth, fists, words, it didn’t matter.  He loved it.

No, what scared the shit out of him was the thought of finding her in bed with Jesse.  Maybe this time they wouldn’t be asleep.  He’d catch them in the act and he’d…he’d…

What, blow the kid’s brains out?  He knew he’d never do that.  She loved the kid.  It wasn’t Jesse’s fault.  It wasn’t even her fault.  Elias saw the way she looked at the kid and knew exactly what she felt, because he felt the same way when he looked at her.  He’d do anything to be with her, wouldn’t he? 

Even join them?

Yeah, that’s what made his stomach churn uneasily.  Whiskey burned a hole in his stomach.  He just didn’t know if he could do it.  What it would entail.  How it would feel to see her with another man inside her, to see the passion on her face and know it wasn’t for him.  That’s what it came down to, wasn’t it?  His pride.  His fear that maybe she secretly wanted Jesse more.  Maybe he pleased her more.  Hell, I didn’t even suspect that she might like kinky shit.

Maybe someday she’d decide she didn’t really need Elias after all.

Much safer to walk now than to want and need her so bad and know he wasn’t enough.

He reached for the keys to turn the engine on, but let his hand fall back into his lap.  He’d sat here too long with the bottle to even think about driving.  That’s the last thing he needed.  He could see the headlines now:  Drunk cop runs down helpless old lady in the street.

He wasn’t drunk, not by a long shot.  Because if he was drunk, maybe he wouldn’t care if she screamed the same way for Jesse that she did when he was inside her.

A flicker of movement drew his gaze up to the window.  Her face, her hands pressed against the glass.  Instinctively he scrunched back in his seat, but he knew she couldn’t see his truck, let alone him.  He’d always been careful to park in the shadows untouched by the streetlights when he came to stand watch outside her door.

She looked up and down the street and turned away.  Warmth spread in his gut that absolutely nothing to do with whiskey.  She’d been looking for him.  Hoping that maybe he’d come, even though they’d such a horrible argument.  Even though she’d hung up on him and refused to answer his calls the rest of the day.  He deserved her silence, her coldness.  She had a handsome younger man in her bed more than willing to do absolutely anything she asked.

Yet she’d been looking for him.

He got out of the truck and shut the door as quietly as possible.  He still felt like a slinking hyena as he crept up the stairs and silently unlocked her door, but he held that vision of her at the window in his mind.  All the lights were off but she’d left the television on.  Blankets were tumbled about on the couch, and he knew they’d been watching movies.  Hopefully she hadn’t been daydreaming about slicing him up like those killer zombies.

He kicked off his shoes and tiptoed toward her bedroom.  The door was open.  She wasn’t trying to hide anything.  She hadn’t placed homemade tripwires or secretly moved any furniture into his path, hoping the crash would alert her of his approach.  Still, he hesitated at the door, just to the side of the blackness within, gathering his courage.  He didn’t hear anything.  No low moans, no sweet whispers, no thudding of flesh on flesh.  No matter what he saw in her bed, he silently resolved not to leave.  Not this time.  He’d take his punishment like a man.

Boldly, he stepped into her bedroom and stood in the dim moonlight leaking through the blinds on the window.  Jesse was flat on his stomach, asleep, his face buried in Vicki’s pillow.  Elias’s pillow was twisted sideways, a dented, misshapen lump that looked like she’d been using it to beat somebody.  But his side of the bed was empty. 

He whipped his head around just in time to catch a glimpse of her flying out of the bathroom.  She crashed into him and wrapped her arms so tightly he couldn’t breathe.  He didn’t need to breathe.  Not with her in his arms.

“Elias,” she whispered in between fervent kisses over his face and throat.  “Elias.  I thought I’d lost you.”

“I’m here, babe, and I’m not going anywhere this time.”

She jerked open his pants.  “Prove it.”

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NaNo Day 2

Since I’m in the backstretch of Vicki, I just stuck with her today as long as the words were flowing.  It’s a MONSTER sex scene — the culmination of the entire book — so I wasn’t sure how well it would go today.  Sometimes the emotional scenes are the hardest to write.  I’m pleased to say that it’s going very well.  *knocks on wood*

I’m still tapping away sentence by sentence while we watch election results, but I’ll just count those tomorrow.  I’m so tired I doubt I’ll get much more done today.  Tomorrow, it’s back to the Evil Day Job.  I don’t have another day off until 11/8.

Tallies for the day:

Golden (short novella):  0 

Vicki:  5342

Phantom (target 30K, not started): 0

Miseryland (target 60K, not started): 0

Grand total for the day:  5,342

NaNoWriMo total:  10,911

Snippet:  This happens in the dark moment of the story (I told you I was close to the end!)  Elias has left and she hasn’t been able to get him on the phone.  When she hears that a cop was gunned down in the street, she calls his partner to make sure he’s okay.  Warning:  some language.  Vicki is pissed!

“Is Elias dead?”

“What?  No.  Why…”

“We heard the news.  A cop died on a drug bust, and he won’t answer the phone.  Colby, don’t lie to me.  I need to know if he’s okay.”

“Vicki, no, I wouldn’t lie to you.  Hold on.” 

She heard low voices and the static of the radio.  Was that Elias’s voice?  She couldn’t be sure.  It was too muffled.  That son of a bitch.  If he was sitting there, too afraid to get on the phone and deal with her himself… 

She yelled into the phone, “Is Elias dead?  Damn it, he’d better be dead if he won’t answer his phone.  He’d better be lying dead in the street with a crater blown in his skull to scare me like this.  I’ve been calling him all day and then hear that a cop is dead and he won’t answer his fucking phone?”

“Vicki, it’s me.  I’m fine.”

Elias.  She dropped her head against the fridge.  She would have slid to the floor if Jesse didn’t hold her up.  “You son of a bitch.  I thought you were dead.  I thought they killed you.”

“I’m sorry, babe.  I didn’t know the news had broken already or I would have answered.  I just didn’t think beyond…well…”

“You didn’t want to talk to me,” she replied in a flat, dead voice.  “Fine.  I get it.  You don’t have the balls to talk to me.  You don’t love me enough to work things out.  That’s okay.  I was wrong, I guess.  I was wrong about everything.” 

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NaNo Day 1

This year I wanted to make an event of NaNoWriMo.  I stayed up until midnight and then galloped full-speed ahead.  Originally, I had grand plans of staying up all night until I had to get the family up for school and work, but I guess I’m too old.  I used to pull all-nighters all the time in college, but this old body said enough around 1:30 a.m.

After everyone was off this morning, I did four more stints.  Right now, I’m concentrating on finishing Vicki and the short novella (both of which were in progress before NaNoWriMo).  I try to finish up a scene in one and then switch to the other project, which is giving my mind enough time to come up with what needs to happen next.  I’m actually fairly close to finishing the first draft of Vicki now!

*angels begin singing*

Now those are words I’ve been wanting to say for MONTHS.  Months, I say.  Sometimes writing is like that.  One project can be more difficult than another.  I’ve written 100K+ works in a matter of six weeks and loved every minute of it, while I’ve trudged for months just to finish 48K for Vicki. 

As long as I finish her soon, I don’t care how long it takes!

So after all my runs today, here are my totals.

Golden (short novella):  2503 

Vicki:  3066

Phantom (target 30K, not started): 0

Miseryland (target 60K, not started): 0

Grand total for the day:  5,569

I’m oddly reluctant to share much of what I’ve written today.  I think I’m still a bit stiff and rusty.  So just remember this is first NANO draft, which means entirely unpolished.

She licked and bit his neck and shoulder until he sagged against the wall and his breathing was a loud pant in the silence between them. The harder she bit him, the more he slipped and shivered against her. She went to her knees and gripped his ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading. His thighs trembled and he groaned at the feel of her breath against his skin. The hard, rounded muscle filled her hands and refused to yield to her teeth, giving her a nice mouthful to grip and torment.

“Vicki, please!”

She released him and leaned back to trace the indentation of her teeth with her fingers. “Maybe you want to roll over then.”

He did, immediately, which shocked the hell out of her despite everything she’d learned about him already. She’d never known a man who’d offer his private bits to a bite-hungry woman, even if she was on her knees. Elias would only let her have her way with him once they’d both burned off some of the fire.

Jesse pressed his back against the wall and widened his stance like he’d need to brace himself for whatever she’d do, but by God, he was going to take it. And enjoy it.

Even if it killed him.