Last week’s goals:
- Take a look at my NSR day sheet and decide if I’m going to keep Dr. Charles Merritt’s POV or not. I axed his POV for now; if nothing else, I’ll use these sections as “DVD extras” to give away. I also found a way to resolve the other character’s thread that I believe will allow him to be on stage in Dallas after all. I’m really looking forward to the way these characters will interact.
- NSR: at least another 10K in revision. Close: 9,017 in revision. The dreaded sex scene took longer than I anticipated. In the first draft, I was trying for a sexy book. After plotting these other threads and complicating the overall plot significantly, the romance is a much more minor angle. It’s well over 200 pages into the story before Ruin and Jaid get together, which is fine. However, the culmination of that thread just didn’t fit at all with the revision. Frankly, it was pretty bad, one of the worst sex scenes I think I’ve ever written.
Have no fear, though, it’s much better now! Shockingly, I think it’ll be the only intimate scene in the book. I just don’t have time or opportunity to throw them together in a place of safety again. From this point out, it’s bam bam bam action. No time for nookie!
- Plot 7Crows. Finished. I have a pretty good block figured out.
- Begin first draft of 7Crows. Sort of started. I have several pages of hand written notes. I’m oddly reluctant to begin this story. I think I’m a little afraid of it. If I don’t get a good start on it this week, it’ll be too late to even consider finishing the story in time. I’ll simply set it aside and concentrate fully on the Maya story. Once it’s done, I’ll have plenty of time to come back to the novella — I’ll just have to decide what to do with it if I miss the deadline!
Goals this week:
- Write up Character Clinic posts in advance so I’m not all stressed out this weekend. I want at least 3 posts set up and ready to go.
- Another 10K in Maya revision.
- Make final decision about whether to try for 7Crows this month or not.
I didn’t get quite as much done this week — mostly because of the good news I shared on Friday. Ironically, good news can derail me as easily as bad news. I was stressed out about questions and working out a possible relationship with an agent. The latter didn’t pan out, but I was closer than ever, which makes me very happy.
Friday night, we had an unexpected get-together with That Man’s family. We ended up shopping for a sheet (not a sheet SET which would have been much easier!) with his mother at JCPenney’s after dinner. Standing around visiting, and bored, I might add, I didn’t realize that Middle Monster decided to race straight at me from behind and plow into me full speed. It was like whiplash–in my lower back. Ironically enough, the one time I was on muscle relaxers for a strained back, I had hurt myself manuevering her infant seat (fully loaded with MM herself!) into the back seat of the car.
It’s not all that bad, yet, but I definitely feel like I’m wearing a very low-slung belt around my hip area, and after long periods of sitting (aka church this morning) that belt gets tighter and tighter. I may have to use the heating pad to get through work tomorrow.
Tonight I wrote a quite long scene in Quinn’s POV that I didn’t expect. Yes, I have a detailed spreadsheet. Yes, I plotted out the rest of the block. I had “Team Update” in this spot, and as soon as I got his team together, they informed me that the serial murderer they’re tracking had struck again, this time on the outskirts of Dallas. This prompted a lot of Googling until I decided on the appropriate location and did enough research to get the site details down. Then of course I had to decide WHAT happened and why that was significant. Took me all day off and on (while we watched the NFL ProBowl, so I wasn’t fully dedicated) but I finally finished that scene.
“It’s getting stronger.” Quinn’s stomach felt tight and small, clutched like a fist. “It took time to play with them this time.”
“Why,” Ballard cleared his throat nervously, “do you say that?”
“Look at the broken vase, the disarray. Someone came to the door, and then ran when the demon busted through. We know how strong this thing is, how fast. It could have killed whoever came to the door then, but instead, it played. It enjoyed the chase.”
Sickened, Quinn led the way deeper into the house. The first body was an older woman in the kitchen. Her white apron looked like a gallon of ketchup had exploded on her. Eyes wide open and staring up at the ceiling, she lay twisted on the Travertine tiles, chest flowered open as before, but…
“Where’s the blood?” Dylan asked, his breath a loud pant in the room as he took another picture. “There’s not a drop on the floor.”
The walls were pristine, the shining, polished cabinets clean. The woman’s skin wasn’t slack and saggy as with the other victims. Other than the mess of her chest, she could have simply slipped on a wet tile.
“Did it gain some new power?” Ballard asked. “Or maybe it’s not as hungry. Maybe all it needed was the heart.”
From the far end of the kitchen, Cruz stepped in and waved them toward her. “Or maybe there were plenty of fresh, young victims waiting just on the other side of the door.”