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Review: The Bloodgate Guardian

From Pearl’s World of Romance:

This was my first taste of Joely Sue Burkhart’s non-contemporary/erotic work and I definitely want to read more of it. I absolutely loved the extensive look into the Mayan world of mythology. It was truly fascinating and worth reading through the few violent scenes. THE BLOODGATE GUARDIAN is suspenseful and brilliantly set up. Romance is not the focus of this book in the first part of the book and that was absolutely okay with me as I was entranced and captivated by mythology, magic and plot. However, this doesn’t mean the chemistry between Ruin and Jade wasn’t impressive. It was definitely there, threaded through everything else going on in a subtle, clever way.

There are definitely some very violent scenes in this book.  Blood Gatherer, a Lord of Death straight from Xibalba, has a terrible dark power.  Ruin’s twin is beyond desperate and will do absolutely anything, kill anyone, to save his woman.  And of course, the Maya did practice blood sacrifice, so naturally it is pretty bloody.  Hopefully the romance between Ruin and Jaid make all the violence more than worth it!

Don’t forget she’s running a giveaway this week, so head on over and comment on her blog for a chance to win some Carina Press gift certificates!

Also, watch for my interview I did with Pearl (edited: link ) — we’ll be giving away a copy of the THE BLOODGATE GUARDIAN!

Thank you so much, Pearl!

3 thoughts on “Review: The Bloodgate Guardian

  1. Thank YOU Joely!

    I really enjoyed THE BLOODGATE GUARDIAN. Despite the violent scenes. As I said you made it work for me and the romance was beautiful! I always say, it’s better to be reading and thinking: iewwww, iewww, iewwww than to read a book that does nothing for you and leaves you emotionally feeling nothing…And Ruin has definitely joined the ranks with Connor and Victor 😉

  2. Yee~! Congrats on another stellar review! :mrgreen:

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