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NaNo Day 3 Snippet

I have two sections (different POVs) in progress, so I thought I’d do a short snippet from each.

The first is a brand new POV that I hadn’t planned on, but works perfectly.  All caps is the Great Lord of Shadow, who’s speaking to His most faithful servant.


Something like love and devotion poured through him, although it was blackest night and smelled of rotting flesh.  There was no greater praise from the Great Lord.  He’d never hoped to be given this last, most important task of all.  :I will pay any price to taste her sweet blood and drag her into Your Shadow.  What of her barbarian husband?:

Shrieking laughter crashed through his skull like boulders tumbling from the highest mountain.  THE HORSE KING WILL NOT LIVE FOREVER.


Now this one is a bit longer, but you’ll see why. There really wasn’t a good place to break it. And well, I didn’t really want to break it. 

“We’ve never been separated, not since you nearly died in that foul cur’s prison.” 

“I know,” she whispered, fighting tears.  “I’ll follow you as quickly as possible.”

Rhaekhar sighed heavily, and she knew she’d won this kae’don.  Yet she couldn’t be pleased, not at the defeated slant to his shoulders and the worry creasing his brow.  “You must always keep the Blood near you.  I want at least these two touching you at all times.”

“Even at night?”  Sal asked, tossing his hair back over his shoulder. 

That little action never ceased to draw her attention to him, the long fall of silk drawing her eyes like a moth to flame.  Yes, flame was appropriate.  His hair was the color of a fiery sunset, and he wore it longer than ever.  Loose of any braids or ties, his hair fell to mid-thigh, longer, even than the red cloth wrapped about his hips.

“Even at night,” Khul agreed, arching an eyebrow at her opened mouth.  “How many times have assassins tried to sneak into our bedchamber, na’lanna?  What if they begin to lay in wait beneath the bed, or in a closet, or even the bath?”

Dharman snapped his fingers, and two of the lesser Blood immediately trotted about the room, searching every nook and cranny.

“Put one of them before you.  Sal, I think.  You can use his hair as a blanket.” Rhaekhar whispered, letting his voice go husky, his eyes molten gold but not with anger this time.  “Take Dharman behind you to guard your back, as Gregar did.  With two wrapped around you, no one will ever touch you with a blade.  Will they, na’lanna?”

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NaNo Day 3; RX Day 25

This is my tentative schedule and goals for the day.  Let’s see if I can hit them.

Dark & Early 5:30 – 7:00

  • NaNoWriMo project, Return to Shanhasson.
  • Min goal:  1.6K.  Optimal goal:  2K.
  • Actual:  2244 words.  Snippet post coming.

7:00 – 8:00  Get monsters ready for school

8:00 – 8:30  Walk the track at school with monsters (weather permitting–I haven’t been outside yet)  Didn’t walk.  First, I had a hard time getting everyone ready in time, so we were late, and then the walking track was closed because the Coach (who leads the walking club) was gone today.  Sigh.

8:30 – 9:00 Drive to Kaldi’s, get situated.  I’m there!  It’s weird–this is the first time I’ve ever written in public.  It’s fun, but I’m also easily distracted.  Plus, I’m alone, which I hadn’t quite thought the logistics through.  e.g. after slugging three cups of coffee, I needed to use the restroom.  Hello, what about my laptop and stuff I had strewn about?  My cup?  I didn’t want them to clean up my area!  It’s always the little odd things that stymie me.  I had to pack up anyway because the gaming room (where the outlets are) was reserved at 10:00, so I raced to the bathroom with my laptop bag all packed, and my coffee cup was still there.  Whew, disaster averted.

Oh, no!  I made the mistake of getting a cup of Highlander Grog (I think this is my fourth cup.  Dies).  Those of you who love Gregar?  His scent was inspired by this coffee.  Now I really want to be writing Return to Shanhasson (instead of the Mayan) so I can figure out how Gregar’s going to stick his…er…rahke…into things and mess up Shannari’s world all over again.

9:00 – 11:00

  • Revision Xibalba, Night Sun Rising
  • Editing next section in Ruin’s POV  Done, 617 words.  Doesn’t seem like much, but Jaid just shocked the hell out of both me and Ruin.  That certainly wasn’t in the first draft!
  • Begin Quinn’s next section (new)  In progress.  First draft finished at 899 words.  Heading home.
  • Jot notes for his story thread through the intersection.

11:30 – 1:30 Lunch, more exercise, pray all goes well at Evil Day Job and they don’t have to call me.  That Man is home early and threw a wrench in my lunch plans.  However, we did go vote, so that’s taken care of!  Late start for the afternoon…

1:30 – 3:30:  Not sure yet.  See how the morning schedule goes.  Another 945 words in Return to Shanhasson to finish up the current scene.  Smoldering bath scene coming up!  And massage oil.  *winks*  From Keldar, if you know what that means…  NaNo total for the day so far:  3189.

3:30 Pick up monsters from school

Evening hours:  never sure how they’ll go.  Monsters are out of school on Tuesday, so no big rush to finish homework.  Managed only 248 more words, but have a nice start to tomorrow’s bath scene.  3437 on the day.  Not bad. NaNoWriMo total:  8020 words.

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RX Day 24

Yes, I’m insane.  I’m doing Revision Xibalba (hell) and NaNoWriMo at the same time.  Today, I finished the next scene of Chapter 6: some cut and paste with revision; some new.  1437 words.  NSR sits at 31,427 words, so about 30% complete (not counting all the scenes in Tara’s new POV that I’ve written and not managed to weave into the main story line yet).

Tomorrow, I have my first day of vacation in November.  I plan to do Dark & Early as usual and hit my NaNo words.  Then I’ll take the monsters to school early and walk the track with them, weather permitting.  Then I’m doing something I’ve longed to do for ages:  I’m driving up to Kaldi’s, a local coffee shop with an oatmeal bar and decent coffee, and I’m going to write until around 11:00 or my battery runs out (if I can’t find an outlet).  I need to be close to home around noon since I have a project moving to production at the Evil Day Job.  Just in case.  So then I’ll have until the monsters get out of school at 3:30.  I’ll write up a schedule in the morning with goals for each session, and yes, I’ll be switching back and forth between the two projects.

I’m also off Tuesday, but I forgot the monsters are out of school (since elections are held at their school, it’s closed for security reasons).  I’ll at least do D&E and then think up something to bribe them with for another hour or two of work…

See you at the butt crack of dawn, Returning to Shanhasson indeed.  Signing off.

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NaNo Day 2

Up early this morning before church to ensure I got a good start before the family (and laundry) intervenes.  I’m still searching for the perfect playlist, but these are the songs currently playing, some old favorites that worked for the first two books in this trilogy; others on a trial basis.

  • Unchained Melody by Heart
  • I Didn’t Want to Need You by Heart
  • Love Hurts by Incubus
  • Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence
  • Kiss From A Rose by Seal
  • (Everything I Do) I Do It For You by Bryan Adams
  • Haunted by Evanescence
  • Make This Go On Forever by Snow Patrol
  • Making Love Out of Nothing At All by Air Supply

Word count so far:

  • Today: 1802
  • Total:  4599

Snippet (which should be especially meaningful to those who’ve read Road to Shanhasson):

How could he think to protect her with his blood pounding so hard his skull threatened to crack open?  She arched beneath him, and Dharman nearly died at her soft cry of desire.  Tightening his arms around her, he breathed the words against her lips.  “At last.”

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NaNo Day 1

Stayed up until midnight and wrote hard for just over an hour.  2,043 words.  The first day(s) the NaNoWriMo site is usually down or really slow, so I won’t try to update my official word count until later. 

Each day, I’ll include a line or small snippet from my project, Return to Shanhasson.  This is the opening line, subject to at least a dozen revisions.

Blessed Lady above, if these vipers are my allies, then I am already doomed to Shadow.

Final word count for day 1: 2797