Join the Howl this weekend!
I’m in final crazy mode stressing out about getting all the final details for CoyoteCon worked out. I’m not real thrilled with cometchat right now. I still can’t get the Facebook plugin to work correctly and their emails so far have been frustrating to say the least (e.g. I can’t even get them to agree I have it installed where I and my hosting company have both confirmed!). I will definitely be shopping for new chat software for next year.
Assuming I survive this year.
If you plan to come to Coyote Con this weekend, either set up a WordPress id (on or use Gtalk. Those work. I still can’t get Facebook to cooperate!
My last post was about Amish bread experiements. I admit to giving up on the healthy aspect for this next batch… because no one would eat it. Oh, I ate it, but I don’t need it and I don’t even really want it. So to satisfy That Man’s sweet tooth, I went and bought the artificial pudding mixes and used plain old white flour instead of my delicious fresh-ground whole wheat. I made a double batch (to use up as much as possible) and will be sending the extra loaf to work with him. I’ll also plan to make up a loaf for my dad, but I’ll try making it healthy again for him. He’s eaten even my most scary health-food creations! (The last Amish bread made with whole ingredients wasn’t scary — just not as sweet and gooey as That Man wanted.)
Still slowly working on Lord Regret. Most days I can get 500 words. This morning, I only got 275… but it’s the first sex scene and those always give me trouble. Dark and Early is still hard, but I’m still doing it. If I don’t get my words in the morning, I just don’t get it done later. I’m too busy.
I made Power 90 4 times last week. The weekend was busy and I missed yesterday, but I made myself get back to it today. Man, it’s soooo easy to fall back into bad habits… and incredibly hard to keep up new habits. I kept telling myself “You’ll feel better after you work out.” I finally did it, and yeah, I did feel better. It’s just talking myself up into doing it!