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Last-Minute Christmas Shopping

Each year for our wedding anniversary (21 years on the 23rd), we go to Joplin, see a movie, visit my beloved sister, and top off the day with dinner at Mythos, my all-time favorite restaurant, while Papa from Mexico comes down to watch the monsters.

This year, we decided that instead of seeing a movie, we’d start–and finish–our Christmas shopping.  We’re always late (which is why I always take time off BEFORE Christmas, not after), but we’re later than ever this year.  I’d only bought 3 gifts, although I did have the monsters’ pictures taken months ago and planned to give several away for gifts (no frames yet).  We hadn’t even decided on what the monsters would be getting until the day or so before.

The main drag in Joplin is Rangeline and it was absolutely bumper to bumper all stinking day long.  If I had a dollar for each time we drove up and down Rangeline looking for a shop, I could retire from the Evil Day Job.  We both used to live in Joplin many years ago, and That Man often hits Joplin for his job, but we only rarely ever SHOP there.  We couldn’t remember exactly where the GameStop was, or how far down Best Buy is (down by the Mall, Lord help us).  Traffic is always horrendous but it was worse than ever on the last Saturday before Christmas.

In the end, we hit Wal-Mart twice, Best Buy, 2 game shops, 2 western-wear shops, and Walgreens, and only “almost” rear-ended someone 3 times.   All I have left to do this week are picture frames, two nephews’ gifts, and the clothing shopping for each monster (MIL always gives us money to buy clothes for the monsters–since I know their sizes–which I then wrap and take over Christmas Day so she can see what they got). 

I’d also like to get some hand-made gifts finished (hahaha, I know, I’m running out of time) and the monsters would like to make some kind of ornament again.  Last year we did salt-dough ornaments that they painted.  This year, I think we’ll do the cinnamon-glue ones.

No, we didn’t do cards.  I always mean to, but we’ve had so many card-tastrophes over the years, I’ve just given up.  My BIG chore for this week will be the post office on Monday to mail out the last of the ARCs!!

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Working Vacation

Forgive a quick squee:  The Rose of Shanhasson is officially shipping!

I really need to get better at spreading my vacation out all year!  I’m officially off from the Evil Day Job tomorrow through Christmas Day, which seems obscene when I have so much work to do before the end of the year.  It’s a wonderful problem to have, don’t get me wrong.  Next year I’ll have 4 weeks of vacation plus 2 weeks of personal time to use up.

I’m always going to need days prior to Christmas — because I haven’t even started shopping yet — but there’s no reason I can’t plan a smarter approach to use some of these days for a writing vacation, too.  Last year I took 9 days in November to help with NaNoWriMo (which is why I was able to get over 60K in Nov), but my work load just didn’t cooperate this year.  The week I did take off for Thanksgiving was wholly dedicated to prepping for the big dinner, and then recovering from said dinner.

So I have off until Dec. 28th.  What am I going to do with myself?  Well, for starters, I’m going to work really hard on Return to Shanhasson revisions, try to write a short story, and then move on to Victor’s revision.  And if I get especially productive, I’ll pull out Deathright and prepare for drafting new words in January.

Oh, and of course, the Christmas shopping needs to be done.  *headdesk*  Don’t even ask me about cards.

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My First Booksigning

Today, we drove an hour and a half north, back to our hometown, Osceola, MO.  I haven’t been home much at all since I left for college.  For years, we lived in TX, NE, and MN, and I just didn’t keep in touch with very many people at all.  Once both That Man’s and my parents moved out of Osceola, we only made occasional drives around the square to see what had changed (very little), or to put flowers on Grandma’s grave, but we never really stopped and visited.

I think it was very fitting to experience this first where I grew up, especially in the library, where I read books by the shelf after school.  Where I quietly wrote my first stories in elementary school.  Where my teachers were so supportive and encouraging.  Mrs. Lightle made me write my own version of Beowulf my senior year and first instilled a love for poetry in my heart.  When I came home from college over spring break my freshman year, pretty sure I wasn’t going back because I couldn’t understand Calculus II, Mr. Kauffman gave me every teacher’s manual he still had so I could work through examples and figure out how to keep my head afloat.  I went on to be a mathematics major and even got my MS, but if he hadn’t let me come out to his house and given me his pep talk, I might not have made it.

Oh, and don’t even get me started about my family and friends, many of whom I haven’t seen in years.  Literally, my cousin who stopped by — I don’t think I’ve seen him for twenty years or more.  One of my best friends from high school came by — I hadn’t seen her since graduation.  The librarians I grew up with had retired, but both of them came in especially to see us.

We didn’t sell a ton of books, but we sold several, to very good homes, the library gained some donations, and more importantly, I connected with friends and family I hadn’t seen in an eternity.

It was a lovely day.  A huge thank you to Tish at the St. Clair Co. Library for organizing the event, and to everyone who stopped by to say hello.

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Country Bonfire

I burned my boob at a bonfire tonight.

We had a long day planned with an hour and a half drive north to Granny’s for an early birthday, and then a bonfire at my Dad’s tonight.  We slept in, which was wonderful, and finally got everything loaded in the van around 11 am.  I ran into Wal-Mart to pick up stuff for smores while That Man ran over to Uncle J’s and Aunt BB’s apartment (conveniently located across the street from Wal-Mart) to walk their dogs.  Middle Monster went in with me because I was supposed to get her a reward of paper (long story).  Of course I forgot the paper, and she didn’t remind me until I already had our cart unloaded, and because she was nagging me about her paper, I forgot to get the ice for the cooler.

So I ran all the stuff out to the car, went back in for ice and paper.  (Trip #2 to Wal-Mart)

We finally got out on the freeway headed north when I said, “hey, did anyone get the bag of coffee on the table?”  Of course not.  So we decided to make a quick trip to Target so I could get a bag of Caribou.  I mean, we planned a nice dessert for Granny, which just wouldn’t be the same without coffee.  In pulling off the freeway, we were almost in a horrible car accident (it would have been at least a ten-car pileup), so we missed our exit and had to hit the next one.

FINALLY, we have coffee and we’re back on the freeway, now out of city traffic.  About that time, Littlest Monster, who was in the very back of the van, said, “Mom, I don’t feel very well.”

Uh oh.  I passed back the Target bag (sans coffee) and made the monsters switch positions.  We made it another few minutes down the road and Middle Monster yells, “MOM, SHE’S THROWING UP!”

So not even 5 miles north of Springfield, we pulled off the road and I dragged Littlest out of her booster seat.  About half of her breakfast hit the bag, while the rest went all down her shirt, seatbelt, and seat.  Of course I didn’t pack a spare set of clothes!  At least I did have napkins, but no wet wipes.  I cleaned her up as good as I could and stripped her shirt off.  She wore her jean jacket and we headed back down the road.  (She was fine the rest of the day — just carsick from riding in the back of the van.)

Of course she got cold, so we had to turn on the heater, which only served to heat up the puke smell.

After another 20-30 minutes of smelling puke, we pulled off the highway in Bolivar for trip #3 to Wal-Mart where I bought her a shirt, Febreeze, wipes, and trash bags.

Four hours after leaving the house, we finally pulled into Granny’s house for dessert and coffee.  We visited until almost 5 pm, when Uncle J called, wondering how to get to my Dad’s for the bonfire.  We loaded up the kids and rushed over so J & BB could follow us down the gravel roads to my Dad’s, where he had three horses saddled.  The monsters rode about an hour, and then we started the bonfire.

It only took diesel fuel and three cups of gasoline to get the wood lit (we had 4-6 inches of rain Thursday).  Breezy as the sun set, the blazing fire was more than welcome….until something HOT hit my throat and rolled down my neck to lodge in my BRA.  I was doing the jig, fishing around in my shirt, flashing everyone, and couldn’t get the burning thing out, so I raced inside the house and ripped my shirt off.  I have blisters down my neck and all over my boob where a piece of burning rock danced a jig down into my bra.

Other than the puke in the car, 3 trips to Wal-Mart, a trip to Target, and the burns on my boob, it was a wonderful day in the country!

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Rough Day of Little Things

Today was one of those days where I swear the stars are aligned against me.

I had to take two of the three monsters to two different schools (at different times) to deliver their school supplies.  (Don’t ask how many trips I’ve made to Wal-mart to pick up said supplies).  The other monster (Middle) had already met her teacher, etc. but she wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to get her to the doctor before school starts.  Since I worked today, I had to time everything around my lunch and getting off work.

So first I ran one kid to school and then to urgent care.  I swear, everyone in town must have a last minute injury, sickness, or physical required, because we waited forEVER.  Gah.  I had a meeting at 1:00 and I was really starting to stress that I wouldn’t make it home in time.  Finally, we saw the doctor, yes, she has an ear infection, and away I raced to drop off her prescription at Walgreens.

Of course, we got behind an irate customer who’s going to Zurich tomorrow and MUST have her prescription and she’d been calling since Sunday and WHY don’t they have it ready, blah blah blah.  Finally, it’s our turn, and now I find that Walgreens has no record of this child on their system.  Never mind that she’s the sickest of the three monsters.  She’s had three surgeries, ear tubes before she was even one year old! 

So I had to send over my insurance card and answer all the questions about where we live, etc.  Time’s a ticking.  Finally, we zip home and That Man handles their (late) lunch while I return to work.

Fast forward to after hours, and we took the other monster up to her school to drop off her supplies since it’s on the way to Walgreens to pick up Middle’s prescription.  We go through drivethru and lo and behold, they had a problem with my insurance.

Never mind that at least half my life savings has been spent in Walgreens over the years, now, suddenly they have a problem with my insurance.  We pulled out of drivethru and I went inside the store, to sit for 45 minutes while they called my insurance company.  Good thing all we needed was a basic antibiotic!

I love my insurance, though.  I do.  They saved me $142 on this ONE prescription.

So I’m a bit frazzled tonight, but in the end, nothing can ruin my mood.  Why?  Because the monsters go back to school tomorrow! 

Wheeeeeee.  Let the return to school party begin!

On the writing front, I finished reading a friend’s story and now I’m working through my beloved sister’s wip.  I also have Jenna Reynold’s Sweet Spot on my iPhone that I’m highly enjoying (thank you, thank you, I had something to read while I sat at the doctor’s office and Walgreens today).

Victor is present and we’ve been talking.  Gregar’s being a jerk.  I might have to write up a complaint post later if he doesn’t cooperate.

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The End is In Sight

Not for the synopsis, unfortunately.

School starts next Wednesday!  *snoopy dance*

I always feel so much more organized and prepared when the kids are in school and we have a set routine.  This year, they’re all riding the bus too.  It’ll be soooo nice not to have to drag them to school and worry that I might have a meeting the one day That Man can’t take them himself.  Princess Monster is going to a new school this year, and she starts an hour earlier than her sisters, so definitely, bus is in order.  (Her sisters are ecstatic – her, not so much.)

So it’s frantic shopping, supplies, orientations, meet the teacher, etc. the next few nights, but it’ll be sooo worth it. 

By September, I’m hoping to be back to Dark & Early mornings.  Who knows, maybe I’ll work up to a Fast Draft so I can grind out Victor’s story.  *winks*  I’ve been doing lots of research for it and the plot ideas are coming from all directions.  I’m almost ready to sit down and see how much story I’ve actually got and where my holes are.

So let the back to school party begin!

(Oh, and my laptop is home, yay!  Even better, my bill was only $18!  The prong was not damaged — but something was wrong with the connection on the cord itself.  My bet: somebody stepped on it.) New connection on the end and I’m all set.  So I’m pulling up that unfinished synopsis now…)

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Bad Blogger

I know, I’ve not been updating very faithfully here.  There’s just not a lot to say.  I’m editing/revising a short-ish story (just over 17K) and hope to get it turned in this weekend.  Yeah, my opening sucks.  Doesn’t it always?  Still putzing with it.  I’ll post a small excerpt later this weekend once I get everything worked out.

My main laptop is in the shop, so I’m chained to the Mac desktop, when I can fight the monsters off with a big stick.

I’m in full promo mode for The Rose of Shanhasson.  I may even have an EVENT!  We’re working on nailing down the date now.  I need to create a new bookmark template this month and order at least 5K to participate in the RT mailing.  Yeah, I never thought I’d order 5K of anything except words.

My Beloved Sister came up yesterday so I took the afternoon off from the Evil Day Job.  We watched Hellboy 2 (fun movie), talked writing, as usual, but mostly tinkered around with her domain she purchased a few months ago.  I might work on websites for the EDJ but I don’t mess with the actual server level stuff much.  She taxed me to my limits!  We finally called on Deena for assistance, and it turns out she didn’t have the right hosting package to run WordPress on her domain anyway.

And she brought me PB cookies!  Yum.  Think I’ll have one for breakfast.

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Monsters Strike Again

The laptop is in the shop.

Okay, I can’t know for sure that the monsters are to blame, but since they’re the ones who’ve been using the laptop the most to play Webkinz, I’m pretty sure they contributed–significantly–to the problem.  Once again, I’m having prong issues.  Not as bad as Toshiba #1–when the prong broke off completely, and yes, that was totally all me–but there’s something goofy with the connection and it won’t recognize that it’s plugged in unless I jiggle the cord and hold the beast exactly in the right position.

I’ve seen Middle Monster trip on the cord a few times, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

So I’m working on George the Mac and the monsters are computerless.  Since they’ve done enough chores to earn a new Webkinz (they’re supposed to arrive today), I suppose I ought to unpack their old boat-anchor desktop after work tonight.  It’s as slow as Princess Monster getting out of bed in the morning, but it’ll be better than nothing.

And yes, all writing WIPs (work in progress) were backed up and nothing will be lost.  (I e-mail my work to myself daily, so I have it in two different external sites.)

The monsters, on the other hand, might die if they can’t play Webkinz!

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Birthday Extravaganza

Wow, I’ve had an incredible birthday this year!  First two wonderful, exciting covers.  Second, two fun movies:  Wolverine and Star Trek.  Third, a monsterless night–they went to spend a night with Papa on the farm and had so much fun they didn’t want to come home.  Dad estimates they caught nearly 50 perch, and one bass so large that it broke Middle Monster’s cane pole.  They rode horses until they were exhausted (the horses, that is), had a bonfire, caught fireflies, and saw their distant cousins tonight.

But the icing on the cake for this birthday:  dinner at Mythos.  If you read Dear Sir, I’m Yours next month, you’ll see the restaurant mentioned.  It’s a real place in Joplin MO and has incredible food.  I was so stuffed that I could barely stay awake for the drive home.

Star Trek was fantastic.  I’m such a goob that I bawled in the first five minutes.  I cheered.  I clapped.  So much fun.  Once, I even swayed in my seat and bumped shoulders with That Man.  See, when we were kids, Sis and I would stumble and fall all about the house, pretending that we were in the middle of an Enterprise crash.

Wolverine was fun but not nearly as good as Star Trek.  It left me feeling sad and dissatisfied.

We also watched There Will Be Blood last net via Netflix.  That Man fell asleep.  I wish I had.  I hated the way it ended and was mad I wasted two hours of my life watching it.

All in all, this has been an incredible holiday weekend.  My allergies are acting up so I’m taking Benedryl, and it’s really kicking my fanny.  I can hardly stay awake.  I’m miserably behind on MayNoWriMo, but I hope to get some words made tomorrow and Monday.

Hope you’re all having a terrific Memorial Day weekend!

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Sorry, I’m late, I know.  It’s been a busy weekend.

Last night, Princess Monster sang with her honor choir on stage at the Baldknobbers in Branson.   It was such a great experience, and we all had a great time.  However, that meant we didn’t get home until really late, and earlier, we had a lot of prep.

The monsters gave me my gifts yesterday.  Princess and Littlest Monster each picked out an outfit with Dad’s help, pink and orange respectively (their favorite colors).  Middle Monster surprised me with her gift:  makeup, the bare minerals kind at Wal-Mart.  Of course, the best part of the gift in her opinion was putting that makeup on Mom before the show last night!  And of course, I let her put some on too.  Mom looked very spiffy for the show.

They each also colored cards and handmade things.  Princess Monster made a poetry book; Middle Monster wrote me a really cute letter; and Littlest Monster drew a picture of me and her going to a coffee shop.  Do they know me or what?

Today, we were at the in-laws.  Sigh.  Not my idea, but oh well.  They wanted me to bring Settler’s Beans, but with not getting home until late last night, and it being Mother’s Day today, I just didn’t want to cook.  We picked up chickens and a fruit plate at Wal-Mart; others brought KFC fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and cole slaw.  The fruit was a big hit.  I wanted chocolate dipping sauce, but couldn’t find any, so I settled on dark hot fudge.  Ooooh, it was so good!  I brought an extra container of strawberries, and then Aunt S donated more when we ate all of ours.  Grandma also made homemade ice cream.

That Man and I came home around 4 PM to work on laundry, and Uncle T brought the monsters home around 6 PM.  I also talked with Granny, my mom, and folded 3 loads of laundry so far.  The only thing I haven’t done much of this weekend:
